Indossare una maschera per gli occhi e non sapere dove il tuo partner con le delicate piume di struzzo ti toccherà aumenta l'eccitazione e il desiderio in modo incommensurabile.
Indossare una maschera per gli occhi e non sapere dove il tuo partner con le delicate piume di struzzo ti toccherà aumenta l'eccitazione e il desiderio in modo incommensurabile.
Volete viziare il vostro tesoro con colpi sensuali? Allora il “solleticatore” con piume di struzzo di MEO è la scelta perfetta. Le piume incredibilmente morbide regalano una sensazione paradisiaca sulla pelle.
Accarezza delicatamente le zone erogene del tuo partner e scopri come la tua passione si riaccende.
Lunghezza totale circa 40 cm
Perfekter Transport
Ich hätte Angst, dass die Feder durch den Transport beschädigt sein könnte, aber sie kam im perfekten Zustand an und fühlt sich sehr gut an
Utile per stuzzicare e solleticare
Leggero e resistente... Utile per stuzzicare e solleticare
Toller Tickler
Toller Tickler für das Vorspiel, sehr weiche Federn, sehr angenehm auf der Haut! Erregt sehr schnell!
Sehr edle Feder für intime Momente zu zweit
Sehr edle Feder für intime Momente zu zweit. Geliefert wurde sie in einem großen, neutralem Karton, in den sie von der Länge her so rein passte, dass nichts verbogen war.
Top quality for an amazing price.
As someone who's quite into her fetish and BDSM, I can assure you there is a myriad of ticklers out there of varying quality, price and sensation. For the price you pay for this tickler, you won't find anything better.
It's ideal for warm-ups or when punishment needs less leather and more silk. However, as other reviewers have said, this toy isn't all soft. The slightly flexible plastic shaft can be used as a thin crop - I assure you, it's got quite a bit of bite!
Colours are, as others have said, lucky dip. I received the burgundy and the feather itself is evenly dyed with a rich sheen. It's also a genuine feather, so don't go snapping it, okay?
I wasn't quite sure what I was going to receive, but it's an excellent addition to the toy box.
Full marks! :)
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