I Milking Stick sono strumenti che servono alla stimolazione intensiva o al massaggio dell'uretra maschile. La sensazione che ne risulta può essere meglio descritta come un puro tremore orgasmico. La sensazione, "come se tu stessi per esplodere", come se delle fontane sparassero fuori da te da un momento all’altro ed anche nelle ore successive, adesso la puoi godere grazie ai nostri Milking Stick.
I Milking Stick sono strumenti speciali che servono alla stimolazione intensiva o al massaggio dell'uretra maschile. La sensazione che ne risulta può essere meglio descritta come un puro tremore orgasmico. La sensazione, "come se tu stessi per esplodere", come se delle fontane sparassero fuori da te da un momento all’altro ed anche nelle ore successive, adesso la puoi godere grazie ai nostri Milking Stick.
I Milking Stick sono realizzati in acciaio inox medico di alta qualità (senza nichel e adatti anche per chi soffre di allergie). Gli elevati requisiti imposti al prodotto consentono solo una produzione precisa grazie all'elaborato processo CNC.
I Milking Stick servono anche a dilatare l'uretra quando vengono utilizzati come aiuto all'addestramento. Sono adatti anche per i giochi Cum Control.
Dati tecnici Lunghezza totale di circa 240 mm. Realizzato in acciaio medico inossidabile. Diametro 12 mm.
Nota importante: L'igiene è un aspetto importante. Si prega di disinfettare le mani e il dilatatore da inserire accuratamente con il nostro spray disinfettante "VERYCLEAN" (articolo n. 8305) come descritto nelle istruzioni. Per l'inserimento, utilizzare solo il nostro lubrificante speciale "VERYDEEP" (codice articolo 8306).
A proper sound
This is a good sized sound and stretches you out beautifully. It's a very comfortable insertion with the use of VERYDEEP.
For me the ridges are not pronounced enough but you do still get a bumpity-bumpity feeling as you slide it in and out. This sound has really got me wanting bigger, thinker, longer, and possibly more flexible sounds.
Zum Abmelken !!!!
Tja, was soll ich dazu groß schreiben? Der Name ist absolut Programm!:D Einfach ein kribbelndes Gefühl, wenn man dieses Toy benutzt. Die Oberfläche ist absolut glatt und gleitet geil auf und ab. Man kann das echt eine ganze Zeit machen, bis man denkt, dass man kurz vorm explodieren ist...oder sich einfach immer und immer wieder abmelken – ganz wie man will. Wichtig ist natürlich nur genügend Gleitgel zu nehmen (ab und an spritze ich da mal nach), damit man nichts verletzt.
Le pieu du bonheur ultime
Ce jouet de 24 cm et de 12 mm de diamètre est réservé aux initiés !
La première fois, commence par le coté lisse en ayant bien désinfecté et lubrifié ton jouet.
Quand tu es parvenu à le mettre jusqu'au bout, tu peux alors décider de le retourner du coté strié.
Que du bonheur .....
This toy of 24 cm and 12 mm in diameter is reserved for insiders!
The first time begins with the smooth side having disinfected and well lubricated your toy.
When you managed to put it through, you can then decide to return striated side.
That happiness .....
Dieses Spielzeug von 24 cm und 12 mm Durchmesser ist für Insider reserviert!
Das erste Mal, beginnt mit der glatten Seite desinfiziert haben und Ihr Spielzeug gut geschmiert.
Wenn Sie es durch zu setzen verwaltet werden, können Sie dann entscheiden, quergestreifter Seite zurückzukehren.
Das Glück .....
Mit einem heftigen Orgasmus vergleichbar
Der Milking Stick hat mich überzeugt.
Mit etwas Übung lässt er sich gut "bedienen" und das Gefühl ist mit einem heftigen Orgasmus vergleichbar.
Unbedingt viel Gleitgel verwenden !!!
Für mich und meinen Mann wirklich eine tolle Erfahrung
Der Milking Stick ist einfach nur Bombe. Total glatte verarbeitung, keine Kanten, nix ....
Für mich und meinen Mann wirklich eine tolle Erfahrung und der Durchmesser ist bestens geeignet.
Also wirklich Top
Just like being masturbated, from the inside
The dilator slid down easily, the ribs sending a thrill down my penis. Same length swallowed up again with basically the solid end remaining. I started withdrawing and re-inserting the rod, which really drove my penis tip wild. It was like being masturbated, but from the inside. I had to carry on and, as I reached orgasm, pulled the dilator out. Experience was similar to removing anal beads at orgasm.
Certainly don't think I got to prostate depth but it may be achievable with practice. Will certainly persevere. Found this dilator rod to be a fantastic item and will definitely get plenty use.
Would certainly recommend this to anyone who wishes to expand their dilating experiences.
Surprisingly versatile for something so simple
This dilator is very nicely made, with no flaws in the manufacture. Being rigid, a little more care is needed than with a flexible dilator.
The most amazing thing was watching it self-insert. I got the first couple of centimetres in, and just watched it swallowed up by my penis, as it's weight carried it down. It was both fascinating and exciting, and I was as turned on by the sight as by the sensations. I must have done that a dozen times, getting harder each time.
The ribs are most satisfying, giving almost a rumbling effect as they enter. Each time one enters, it's like being penetrated again, and again.
And it is perfect for thrusting - with the smooth end and the ridged end you can get different sensations. If you haven't tried urethral dilation before, imagine the difference between using a smooth and a ridged dildo anally. It's like that.
The length is great - you can get real depth with this. Many urethral dilators fall down for being too short, but there's no problem with that here.
If you want to get another experience entirely, then try with the MEO Sex Box (estim) machine. Place one pad behind your anus, and one on the end of the dilator. You'll feel the pulses down the entire length of your penis, through the perineum and around your anus. Add a butt plug as well for added intensity.
Wirklich top
Der Stick ist einfach nur Bombe. Total glatte Verarbeitung, keine Kanten, nix.
Für mich und meinen Mann ist es wirklich eine tolle Erfahrung.
Der Durchmesser ist bestens geeignet für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Excellent toy
As a newbie to urethral play this was a great buy.
Great for slow play and really gives a good sensation when my cock is massaged.
Nicely made and comforting that it cant slip in out of reach, however even if one of my smooth sounds disappears out of sight staying calm and pushing it back out gently from the underside of my balls is not a problem.
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