Scopri i segreti di un tipo di stimolazione molto speciale con il nostro impressionante set di 15 dilatatori uretrali! Ispirati al pioniere dell'urologia, Jean Casimir Félix Guyon, i nostri dilatatori curvi in acciaio medicale offrono un'esperienza intensa e incomparabile.
Scopri i segreti di un tipo di stimolazione molto speciale con il nostro impressionante set di 15 dilatatori uretrali! Ispirati al pioniere dell'urologia, Jean Casimir Félix Guyon, i nostri dilatatori curvi in acciaio medicale offrono un'esperienza intensa e incomparabile.
Un set che ridefinisce il termine "esperienza profonda"!
La foto del prodotto non lascia quasi nessuna domanda senza risposta, ma qui troverai ancora più informazioni sul nostro set di dilatatori Guyon. Questi strumenti speciali prendono il nome dal famoso urologo francese del XIX secolo, Jean Casimir Félix Guyon. In qualità di pioniere dell'urologia, sviluppò queste sonde ricurve, destinate a esami o interventi terapeutici.
Nella comunità BDSM, i nostri dilatatori curvi offrono un'esperienza intensa a tutti gli amanti del cosiddetto "Urethral Play" - ma attenzione, questa pratica sessuale non è assolutamente per i deboli di cuore ed è adatta solo a utenti veramente esperti!
Il nostro set medico in acciaio inossidabile comprende 15 misure diverse, da CH8 a CH36. CH" sta per Charrière, un'unità di misura che descrive il diametro esterno di sonde e cateteri. Piccolo consiglio: la misura in Charrière divisa per 3 dà il diametro in millimetri.
Ti consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare il nostro lubrificante VERYDEEP e lo spray igienico VERYCLEAN. Informati bene prima e non correre rischi inutili.
Ulteriori dettagli:
A Game-Changer in Urethral Play!
Having experimented with urethral play for some time now, I've tried numerous products, but the MEO Guyon Urethral Sound Set is in a league of its own! Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, each sound in the set feels substantial and impeccably smooth. The range from CH8 to CH36 ensures that both novices and seasoned practitioners find a size that suits their experience level.
The curve truly enhances the experience, allowing for precise control and a unique sensation. The entire set is beautifully presented, making it a fantastic addition to any collection.
In conclusion, if urethral play is your thing or you're curious about diving into this realm, this set is an absolute essential. Kudos to the team for delivering such a top-notch product!
Sehr geiles Gefühl
Einfach ein sehr geiles Gefühl bei der Benutzung - kann man eigentlich auch nicht viel falsch dran machen und entweder man mag es oder nicht :-)
Dilatoren Set - Guyon Urethral Sound Set
Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis beim Guyon Urethral Sound Setist super und ich würde es jederzeit wieder kaufen. Die Dilatoren liegen gut in der Hand, sind ohne Ecken, Kanten oder Nähte verarbeitet, so dass sie wirklich angenehm sich anfühlen. Kann das Set von MEO wirklich mit gutem Gewissen empfehlen!
Whooo Hooo you are in for a ride with these guys
These sounds are as mentioned in prior reviews "intense." Just looking at them is a mental trip in itself. I had seen the Guyon Sounds on a couple of web sites, but was unable to find them in good quality. Finally MEO offered the complete set and I placed and immediate order. My first attempt at insertion was a bit "rocky" to say the least. You have to be patient and go slow due to the large curve, but once you get the process down and get one completely inserted, WOW! They are a bit pricey, but you get a complete set and they come in a nice zipper case for storage and easy viewing. It is quite impressive when you open the case and get ready for play.
Intense metal monsters
These are indeed intense. I used a four step procedure to get the 24fr in, which I picked up from a Google Book written by a urologist. I needed all the steps. The feeling these produce- pure, deep, focused.
Want prostate stimulation? These guys will nestle into Cobb's curve like you just won't believe.
I think I'd stay clear of the first four or five sounds in the kit. They are too small, so the tips are too pointed. False passage is likely. If you don't know what "false passage" is, don't buy this kit until you educate yourself. No panic attack here, but these really can be dangerous.
The kit itself is high quality. Good carrying case- large flat case- has to be, because of the shape of the sounds. Good finish. All the individual pieces are marked in French units. Goes up plenty big.
I did try this with e-stim, pairing the flat end of one of these sounds and a sticky pad on the perineum. Oh my. That was a party.
One of the most expensive items in this section. Worth the $$
Around the Curve and Into the Homestretch
It takes some patience and practice to use these, as suggested by the summary. However, once the event happens; it is a unique experience. I have used e-stim with a 'Sex Box unit" and the feeling is extravagant o say the least.
Highly recommended for the more experienced sounder
These are very good. As always, the delivery was prompt and discreet. The smaller ones are okay, but i need to practice more to get the larger ones in. Highly recommended for the more experienced sounder.
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