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Es ist wunderbar, dass die ToylieLatex Penishülle in verschiedenen Längen gefertigt wird. So konnte ich auch für mich ein passendes Exemplar auswählen. Dass mein Exemplar gerade in rot ausgeführt ist, symbolisiert doch die rote Farbe das heiße Verlangen. Ich fühle mich total gut, wenn ich mit angelegter Hülle meine Partnerin intensiv nehme. Dabei genießt sie die Oberflächenstruktur. Allerdings fehlt ihr der heiße Erguss tief in ihrer Möse.
Sitzt bei mir wie angegossen! Ein schönes Produkt made in Germany with Love. Kein chemischer Geruch oder sonstige Ausdünstungen. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Jederzeit wieder. Danke MEO
If the thought of bigger, more sensitive nipples, gives you a chubby, grab these nipple enhancers. You simply squeeze and apply and the suction keeps the blood flowing for increased sensitivity which means more intense nipple play.
Nach meiner Meinung ist das eine simple aber gleichzeitig auch geniale Erfindung. Denn diese Technik erlaubt es den Cockring schnell und einfach anzulegen. Ich hatte immer Schwierigkeiten bei normalen Cockringen. Nicht nur das Anziehen war umständlich sondern vor allen Dingen das Ausziehen. Nicht so mit diesem magnetischen Cockring. Das geht fix und der der Schwanz steht wie eine Eins. Und nachdem ich gekommen bin, lässt er sich genau so einfach wieder ausziehen. Klare Kaufempfehlung für alle Männer die auf so etwas stehen.
Ich hab schon ein paar Cock Ringe ausprobiert. Für mich sind diese Cock Ringe hier von MEO das beste und hilfreichste Utensil, das man sich als Mann kaufen kann. Da braucht man kein Viagra, sondern kann auf ganz natürlichem und gesundem Weg längeres und härteres Stehvermögen genießen. Der Cock Ring selber ist dank des Magneten einfach anzulegen und auch wieder abzunehmen. Beim Verkehr sitzt er auch bombenfest!
Nach längerem und öfteren tragen lässt er sich bequem Einführen. Die Erfolge sind deutlich. Neulich habe ich wohl ein wenig zuviel Gleitmittel verwendet. Da hat mein Hintern nach einer Stunde den Plug ganz geschluckt. Es war aber kein Problem das er mit ein wenig Druck wieder zum Vorschein kam.
Un plug anale che funge anche come piccolo dilatatore,
Un plug anale che funge anche come piccolo dilatatore, capace di far diventare l'apertura del vostro ano morbidamente pronta all'uso, dedicato a chi cerca emozioni di dominazione/sottomissione forti e reali. Realizzato in TPR trasparente, non-poroso e ipo-allergenico, Anchored saprà riempire le vostre sensuali cavità posteriori. E' caratterizzato da una punta conica doppia, due estremità che vanno tenute assieme per la penetrazione e poi lasciate espandere una volta dentro, questo permetterà di avere una sensazione di pieno e di riempimento della vostra zona erogena anale. Basta pizzicare le 2 estremità dell'Anchored assieme per avere un facile inserimento nel vostro ano, poi una volta all'interno, si aprirà per applicare una pressione sulle pareti della cavità anale, intensa e totale. Presenta una base svasata cava per un facile utilizzo ed un recupero in tutta sicurezza durante il gioco. Una volta entrato, il dilatatore si espanderà, aprendo le vostre viscere ad ogni desiderio di sottomissione. Il materiale in morbido TPR è privo di ftalati, flessibile e premerà contro tutti i punti giusti dentro di voi facendovi godere una sensazione unica.
The "Heretic's Fork" from MEO in Germany forces your slaves to keep their necks straight and their heads up so that the flesh is not pierced in the double fork which is held straight by a sturdy, adjustable collar. Adjust and secure the leather collar around the neck and use the ball screw to change the length of the fork. Force your subs to have their heads back as far as you want! The extraordinary aesthetics of this unique collar increases the excitement for both, creating a more intense scene!
I think of myself as having quite a high pain tolerance and I love using clamps and impact toys. However, when MEO sent me their Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs I had to admit defeat.
The concept of the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is simple but so clever. Clamps with a difference. But before I go on, first a warning. As suggested by the name MEO Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs contain magnets and this makes them unsuitable for use by people with electronic implants.
This includes pacemakers, defibrillators or activatable implants. Magnets can disrupt these devices and MEO suggest keeping 20cm between the implant and magnet. Myself, if I had one of these devices I’d probably avoid these clamps to be sure.
Magnetic Pull
So, that’s the serious stuff out the way. Opening the package, I was somewhat bemused when two small silver balls fell out. This is the entire product and why they are Oh So Easy. There is no screwing or fiddling about with the orbs. Just straight on.
Each Orb contains a super powerful magnet. Don’t underestimate the power of this at all. I found they could pull each other together with a fair distance between them. They go with a hell of a smack too.
The general premise of the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is simple. Put them either side of your nipple and let the magnet hold them in place. They attract together and trap your nipple between them. The applications for these little buggers is endless. They can be used on balls, cocks, clits and labia.
Painful Pinch
In the interests of disclosure here is where I admit I won’t be doing any of that. Without doubt the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs are the most painful clamps I’ve ever tried. They are much tighter than any regular screw or crocodile clamp. This is simply because the magnetic force is so strong.
Applying the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs isn’t difficult. But you do need to be careful. Holding the balls in either hand you need to slowly push them on either side of your nipple. If you don’t hold them tightly the magnetic pull will literally snatch the ball from your fingers and thwack it into your nipple with a hell of a bite.
Hard to Move
I can only imagine the pain levels if this was applied to your clit or balls. I found once in place either side of my nipple the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs stayed put with no problem at all. In fact, they are difficult to remove. Even more so with slippery fingers. The magnet is so strong you kind of slide the balls off each other. If you have lube or bodily fluids on your fingers this is almost impossible.
Describing the pain of using the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is hard. I found the pinch was so strong it led to a kind of heat within my nipple. At first this was extremely exciting but I quickly found the pain was too strong. Luckily, I was in a position to remove them but I imagine had I not been I’d have quickly been engaged in some pretty heavy-duty begging.
Each orb measures around 10mm in diameter so storage is simple, but due to the nature of the magnets you must be careful where you put them. The orbs are silver in colour and are metal coated giving them a real hard pinch.
Read full review: http://www.candysnatchreviews.com/meo-oh-easy-magnetic-orbs/