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Das Material ist von hoher Qualität und fühlt sich angenehm an. Außerdem ist das Produkt leicht zu reinigen, was die Pflege erleichtert. Alles in allem kann ich diesen Anal-Stimulator allen Männern empfehlen, die eine intensive Stimulation der Prostata und einen zusätzlichen Kick im Schlafzimmer suchen.
My buddy and I just played with the Ass Hammer the first time, AMAZING his ass was in the "ZONE" as he calls it! We wondered if it would meet his "needs" and it did by 110%
I’ve been searching for the perfect plug for all day wear and finally founded it, this is it! Soooooo comfortable. I went with the large, NO chance of popping out. All I feel is pleasure.
Ich kann nur jedem, der es extrem mag diesen Buttplug mit voller Überzeugung empfehlen. Nicht nur das er einzigartig ist, nein es ist der HAMMER unter allen Plugs die wir besitzen. Mein Mann kann gar nicht genug von dem Teil bekommen ^^
Die Maße dieser Plugs sind für den normalen Mann oder auch die Frau hervorragend geeignet, fortgeschrittene Fan der Analdehnung benötigen andere Maße zur befriedigenden Dehnung. Die Ausführung ist massearm. Das HIghlight ist die Option, durch die "Kapillaren" des Stegs Flüssigkeiten einfüllen zu können.
So I am a male, using this for prostate massages. And I have tried some of the cheaper alternatives, like the glass double ended curved dildos, and S shaped glass dildos. But let me tell you, I should have saved my money, because this is exactly what I needed. The problem with the other ones was that they didn’t have the correct curvature to reach my P-Spot, or if being used on a female, the G-Spot. This is not being used for partner play, but rather self pleasure, and the curve on this wand will help you apply pressure and massage EXACTLY where you need it. The other dildos made me have to arch my hands and wrists in very weird positions, which I often couldn’t stay in for very long, or thought about it to much to where I couldn’t enjoy the rubbing. This however has the weight and curve to make it much easier and make me more focused on the pleasure. It is a bit hefty, especially on the thicker end, but that actaully makes for a great handle if you’re using the smaller end inside you. It isn’t tiresome at all to me. The steel also allows for a easy to clean, very temperature adapting surface, that is extremely slick and doesn’t require a lot of lube. Highly highly recommended. Please don’t do what i did and try others, just to be disappointed, buy the wand everyone is talking about, there’s a reason for it!
Man wird sicherlich ganz genau die Finger spüren wenn man sie reinschiebt und massiert. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, daß das Paket bei mir ankommt. Freue mich wahnsinnig drauf