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Herrlich psychatrisch aussehendes Halsband. Wie alle Lederwaren von Meo ist auch diese Halsfessel super verarbeitet. Und wenn der Patient nicht so will, dann fixiert man ihn an den verhandenen Ösen einfach ein wenig stärker...
Super Handfesseln, die ordentlich was halten und optisch gut was hermachen: man fühlt sich direkt an ein Asylum aus den 60er Jahren erinnert. Perfekt zum fixieren und für jedes Rollenspiel im weißen Bereich.
Enjoy keeping your partner bound and ready with these hospital s
Are you prepping for a medical-style fantasy? Make sure to use these restraints with a more hospital design. They have extra-wide adjustment slots and are constructed out of high-quality leather. There are six adjustment slits and the cuffs can be secured using a lock.
Da Gerät sieht nicht nur geil aus sondern liegt auch perfekt in der Hand. Es ist wirklich leichtgängig und toll für die Stimulaton am ganzen Körper (ach am Schwanz).
Die glatte Oberfläche des Griffes liegt gut in der Hand und somit gibt es auch keine „Tapper“ auf dem Edelstahl - „Schöner quälen“ bekommt hier eine ganz neue Bedeutung. Ästhetisch äußerst ansprechend und dabei schmerzgebend effizient – was möchte man mehr?
A lovely chap tried this on me a little while ago, and it was so much fun that I got my own. It's delightfully prickly and delicate if you want it to be, or spiky and painful. I'd suggest starting off a little bit gentle, and the pins are rather sharp, but it feels amazing if used correctly. The whole thing is also well constructed, and the handle is nicely shaped so you don't get hand-cramp even after prolonged use.
At first glance it seems very sturdy and has a solid feel, unfortunately (and this was mentioned by others as well) even at maximum opening it can still come out of your mouth, however, this seems easily fixed by running a strap or similar around the back of the neck to hold it in place.
While keeping affordability and quality in mind MEO comes through again. The leather is a high enough grade quality to take even the roughest of punishments and strong enough that no amount of struggling will matter when it comes to being secured in place. My only complaint is that the cuffs are not large enough for larger ankles. Over all an excellent product for looks and play.