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This thing is huge! I love it! If you can master this bad boy there will not be many cocks you’ll ever come across that will be quite so challenging. For size queens only. You will not be disappointed!
Wow, vielen Dank für diesen Masturbator, ich kann gar nicht mehr damit aufhören! Eng, geil, intensiv und das auch an der richtigen Stelle, das hat man bei der Vielzahl an anderen Masturbatoren echt nicht oft.
I love using this on my partner and if the noises they make are anything to judge by (I asked and they definitely are), then they enjoy it too.
It delivers powerful strokes, so test it out first to make sure you know what your partner will be experiencing, but honestly if you like a good spanking session this toy will be your new best friend.
I dildo in vetro sono la mia nuova passione. Questo non si trova altrove e… sì è proprio un bel pezzo di Mur-ano: manifattura artigianale, dimensioni sincere, nervature e rilevi per orgasmi felici. Come massaggiatore tantrico penso che lo userò per misurare la temperatura del culo dei miei clienti troppo infuocati. Lo adoro. Lorenzo
La taille est un bon compromis pour débuter en ayant de bonnes sensations. J'aime beaucoup les couleurs, les détails des veines et la texture ni trop dure ni trop molle qui sont très réalistes.
je viens de recevoir ce buttplug et wow, quelle qualité ! Expédition rapide et le design est top. La ventouse tient parfaitement sur toutes les surfaces. Grâce à sa surface texturée, le lubrifiant reste en place, augmentant mon plaisir. Je le porte même discrètement sous mes vêtements ... Un secret bien gardé que je recommande !
Die Nippelsauger sind gar nicht mit anderen Nippelsaugern aus Kunststoff zu vergleichen. Die Verarbeitung ist super und sie sind extrem stark. Top Produkt
This heavy duty hood fits real tight - great feeling!
WoW! Real soft leather, high quality! This heavy duty hood fits real tight - great feeling! You will see nothing inside,´s not 100% soundproof, but you can use it with wax in ears ;-) Isolation work´s! Because of the metal rings you can also fix the head. Because of the lacing you can fit this hood tightly and with the belts you will fit it stronger! I really love it to wear! And I love it to see it on my partner....