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Me encanta! Es uno de mis juguetes favoritos. Yo tengo la boca pequeña y no me suelen caber los gags, pero este es perfecto de tamaño y además muy cómodo.
Die Sex Chaiselongue ist nicht ganz billig, aber hat unsere Erwartungen voll und ganz erfüllt. Die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig, stabil und die Chaiselongue sieht einfach klasse aus. Geliefert wurde die Chaiselongue absolut diskret, gut und sicher verpackt. Wir können und werden es weiter empfehlen.
Ein gut sitzender Harness betont in hervorragender Weise den kraftvoll männlichen Oberkörper. Zugleich lenkt er das Interesse der Partnerin oder des Partners auf die freiliegenden männlichen Nippel, die sich bei Erregung aufgerichtet präsentieren und so ihr Verlangen nach Berührung und/oder kräftiger, schmerzhafter Behandlung zeigen. Mit geschickt angesetzter Nippelqual kann der zunächst nur optisch starke Mann seine Widerstandsfähigkeit unter Beweis stellen. Dafür stellt MEO alles bereit.
Die Gurte an sich sind aus einem stabilem Material und sind auch kaum kaputt zu kriegen. Ich habe einmal versucht mich zu befreien, was mir aber nich möglich war. Auch die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Keine scharfen Kanten oder harte Stellen.
Sehr stabil aber dennoch dehnbar. Finde ich echt super! Bei richtiger Pflege und richtiger Lagerung (nicht zusammen mit anderen Toys lagern) so wie der richtigen Handhabung (Gleitgel auf wasserbasis) hat man sehr lange was davon
The vibration is not very loud but also not mindblowingly strong. The seven modes are well designed. I'd rate this with 4 of 5. But I was keen on this thing for the estim. It was the very first(!) experience I made with estim. I am a male sub but always fail to achieve to cum from prostate stimulation. Frustrated I thought I'd give this one a try. I hoped that the e-waves would actually make my prostate erupt in a massive handsfree cumshot. This didn't work (for my part), which I do not blame this toy for. I've read that estim plays out very differently for each person, so I try to be "objective" and rate the estim 3 1/2 of 5. What I reeeally appreciate is the flexibility. It is soft enough to push it whereever you like, put still hard enough to PUSH on spots. Also the silicon feels nice and I like that it's for charging.
BUT nevertheless I only give three stars while for my part feel like giving just two stars, because: (1) The feeling itself was unpleasant. It was just contracting my rectrum-muscles which felt neither painful nor thrilling, just weird, as if my ass were kneading a dough. It did'nt reach my prostate. Riding a dildo feels way more hot to me. (2) I would not be keen to have the highest e-mode on at all, but could easily go like a minute with it. For sadistic aims it's too soft then. (3) It has five estim and seven vibration modes, but you can't see which mode is on. You have to feel it/remember it. There is one power on button, one for vibration and one for estim. If you hold each of the buttons for long, they turn on/off. If you press shortly, it changes to the higher mode, and from the highest mode back to the first. Because you should have skin contact BEFORE switching it on, this insert it and hope it to be not on the strong mode. I also imagine a dom playing this toy on someone else and having no clue which estim-mode is on... The vibration you can might check from the sound, but the estim - either feel it yourself, remember well how often you pressed the buttons or you have to guess
This won't become a favorite of mine anytime soon, but well possible estim at all never will.
If you want to spice up your dildos, the Vac-U-Lock Knuckle Up handle is just what you need.
The sturdy grip is modeled after brass knuckles and provides an excellent grip when the going gets tough. The surface is non-slip so you get the feeling of full control.
The Knuckle Up handle can be used with all types of Vac-U-Lock dildos and plugs, so you can experiment with many different sex toys.