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A partir de 18
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Ich hab' ja schon einiges ausprobiert, aber so einen Orgasmusssssss? Krass! Dieser Prostata Plug hat mir echt die Augen geöffnet. Beim ersten Mal war ich ein bisschen unsicher, aber als der abgewinkelte Kopf genau meinen P-Punkt traf, war es, als hätte jemand einen Schalter umgelegt.
Ein Prostataorgasmus fühlt sich nicht wie ein "normaler" Orgasmus an. Es ist, als würde eine Welle von innen heraus durch deinen gesamten Körper ziehen, intensiv und in Slow Motion. Es baut sich langsamer auf, aber das Gefühl ist so tief und überwältigend, dass du es in jeder Faser deines Körpers spürst. Es ist wie ein elektrisierender Schauer, der nicht aufhört – einfach der Wahnsinn!
Ehrlich, Jungs, probiert es aus. Wenn ihr wissen wollt, wie sich ein Orgasmus anfühlt, der nicht nur im Unterleib, sondern im ganzen Körper zündet, dann ist dieser Plug das Richtige.
This is the best plug ever. Took a little while and a lot of lube to get it in at first. But when it pops in WOW what an intense feeling. I use this about every other day and it is doing a great job of stretching my my man pussy. I use this to warm up to my rambone for an intense night of fucking. I'm ready for fisting if I could find someone to share it with.
Get one and you'll not be disappointed nor ever need to buy anot
After a few minutes of trial and error with the settings i decided to lube up and slip it over my cock. Wow, it sucked me in and started massaging all the best bits. I didn't even need any porn to watch. I've had my prostate gland removed due to cancer and struggle to get hard so I was a bit dubious about its claims. A benefit of this is I don't ejaculate anything, so quite clean. WOW AGAIN. NO PROBLEM. It could suck a golf ball through a hose. It's like having a penis pump on suck/relax/suck/relax. My cock was hard enough and had grown considerably in the largest tube (I am quite a chunky lad). I've used this four times now, since purchase, and each time I've not lasted more than a few of minutes. I've also been toying with the idea of post cum torture. I just need to restrain myself on a time lock and leave it to work. Here's me looking forward to my next trip away. Get one and you'll not be disappointed nor ever need to buy another.
Bucurati-va de o explozie de parfum si culoare cu Cocktail Editions, bucurati-va de o piscina cu un lubrifiant de lux. Slube este un gel care vine sub forma de cristale. Cand se adauga in apa calda, cristalele se despart, formand un lubrifiant corporal incredibil de neted si senzual. Puteti folosi Slube pentru orice, de la o experienta relaxanta in cada, pana la masaje senzuale! Slube acopera complet pielea, reducand nevoia de reaplicare si reducand frecarea dintre dumneavoasta si partener. Lasa pielea moale si revigoranta. Slube retine, de asemenea, caldura in apa, astfel vei avea mai mult timp pentru a te juca si nu este nevoie sa umpli in continuare cu apa calda. Folosirea cristalelor in cada Folosirea Slube este usoara! Umpleti cada, conform instructiunilor incluse, adaugati cristalele in apa si urmariti cum incepe gelul sa se formeze. Dupa ce ati terminat joaca, adaugati mai multa apa pentru a o dilua, apoi scoateti capacul de la cada. Folosirea cristalelor in alte moduri Va sugeram sa adaugati cateva linguri la apa calda intr-o sticla din plastic impreuna cu cristalele. Apoi, agitati pur si simplu sticla si in cateva minute, lubrifiantul pentru corp parfumat si colorat este gata pentru a fi aplicat! De asemenea, il puteti amesteca intr-un recipient, de exemplu, daca il utilizati pentru masaj. Din nou, cateva linguri de apa calda ar trebui sa fie suficiente. Vrei o joaca alunecoasa intr-o piscina? Se amesteca intr-o galeata si se toarna! Vrei o consistenta mai groasa? Doar adauga mai multe cristale! Ai nevoie sa fie mai subtire? Adauga mai multa apa! Este minunat sa experimentezi cu Slube si sa obtii exact ce doresti.
Fa il suo eccome. Provato e soddisfatto dell'acquisto. Chi lo usa non deve avere un arnese esagerato però perché questo prodotto deve tirare un po' per fare effetto.
There's something truly captivating about the name ANALGEDDON. Beyond its playful yet provocative allure, the name represents so much more to me. It evokes a sense of exciting exploration, hinting at an experience that's sure to be explosive and unforgettable.
The combination of "anal" and "armageddon" is nothing short of genius. "Armageddon" itself signifies an epic event, a powerful climax, and when combined with the realm of anal pleasure, it promises an adventure that is both intense and groundbreaking. Every time I use the ANALGEDDON dildo, I feel like I'm embarking on a journey where boundaries are tested and new heights of pleasure are discovered.
Furthermore, a name like ANALGEDDON shows a boldness and fearlessness. It's not just another toy, it's a statement. It's for those who aren't afraid to dive deep, push boundaries and revel in the intensity of the experience.
In a world of generic names and ordinary experiences, ANALGEDDON stands out, beckoning the brave and adventurous. It's more than a name; it's an invitation to an extraordinary realm of pleasure.
Dieser Dildo verfügt über die absolut perfekte Festigkeit. Es ist gerade deswegen eigentlich einfacher zu benutzen als eine Vielzahl auf dem Markt erhältlicher kleinerer Dildos. Er ist allerdings rein gar nichts nicht für Anfänger... Man braucht viel Geduld, gutes Gleitgel und jede Menge Anal-Training. Aber das Gefühl, wenn man einmal von ihm komplett ausgefüllt ist, ist wirklich unglaublich!
Even a day after the tingling from light touches is amazing. I have tried different types of clamps before, but never with these results. They are small, which is good as I have very small nipples (even for a male) and they grip exceptionally.
Tenía dudas si me gustaría un estimulador y me arrepiento de no haberlo comprado antes. Fácil de introducir y manejar, te puede hacer temblar entero. Puede ser más caro que otros modelos pero este merece la pena, gran inversión.