A inovação bizarra do Dr. Sado é um estimulador uretral através do qual o ar pode ser bombeado para o pénis ou bexiga quando inserido, estimulando assim extremamente a uretra.
A inovação bizarra do Dr. Sado é um estimulador uretral através do qual o ar pode ser bombeado para o pénis ou para a bexiga quando inserido, estimulando assim extremamente a uretra.
Uma sensação muito especial! Estreito e macio, entra na uretra num instante. Agora podes bombear ar poderosamente para a uretra com a ajuda da prática bomba - pressiona a bexiga contra o orgasmo e proporciona sensações deslumbrantes de total perda de controlo.
Mais detalhes:
Penis fart
I was dubious about this at first. I thought is was a 100% no-no to pump air into the bladder. Sterile saline or water is fine, but you still have to be very hygienic. But having read all about it and knowing the limitations I have used this three times since last week. You don't actually have to push this in very far. It is just the air pressure from squeezing the bulb that moves air when it has nowhere else to go. When filling the bladder, it is kind of tickling deep inside - really good. But the best is when you late the air go - it kind of rattles the inside of your urethra and makes the most amazing fart noises!! After an evening session I do find a little residual air in the bladder, which either comes out a little later or first thing in the a.m. The farts produce lots of frothy bubbles.
Pump up
Reinstecken bis zum Maximum aufpumpen, rausziehen und es anal treiben.
Nachdem du gekommen bist, pumpst du deinen Partner mit deiner Blasenluft in den A.
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