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MEO является THE специалистом, когда дело доходит до игр со щенками. Идеальное оборудование, такое как футболки, маски, поводки, кляпы и игрушки, можно найти в MEO.
These absorbent fetish pads are possibly the answer that you have been looking for to mop up all of that lube and body fluids during play sessions. They are so versatile and hold liquids well that I will be using them all. I find them perfect for catching lube, cum and squirt enabling me just to lay back, relax and go with the flow.
They are a great product that has a definite use for most people when they put their minds to it, and I have no problem in recommending them. They should feature in any dungeon or playroom where their dark looks can be utilised to compliment a BDSM scene. But they are also equally as useful in the bedroom.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/fetish-pad-the-original-black-absorbent-fetish-pads.html
Allles was beim Mann unzugänglich und sicher unter Verschluss gehalten werden soll kannst du damit einschließen. Meine Keyholderin ist jedenfalls sehr zufrieden.
Sehr schön und gut verarbeitetes Paddel für einen optimalen Preis. Qualität und Größe sind wirklich ideal, das "haut hin". Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen für jedwede Art von BDSM
La perrera es una jaula ajustable con una tabla acolchada y barras de posicionamiento opcionales. Cierra a tu sumiso dentro de la carcasa de metal revestido y sé creativo.
Esta jaula, esta pensado para las personas que practican el roll de sumisa y dominante. Esta pensado para los expertos en los juegos bondage.
La jaula, esta fabricado de material resistente, con un peso de 34 kg. Es muy fácil de montar.