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Questo dildo gonfiabile XXL può essere gonfiato per raddoppiare il volume ed è sicuramente uno dei prodotti più grandi sul mercato dei giocattoli Love -Toy! Gonfiabile con una pratica pompetta collegata.
Product was received on time. It was in perfect condition. The expander screw has a nice wing nut type of grip that makes careful expansion simple and easy.
I tried this up in my boy's bum it went in and opened him up lovely without hurting him. We did have to warm it up a bit first . Over all it was great fun.
Super bequem und angenehmes Material. Sitzt sehr gut und macht absolut Dunkel. Der Klett verschluss lässt sie schnell anlegen. Für so wenig Geld ein must buy
Thanks for being here as such a great part of the BDSM scene and for coming up with the most fantastic Bondage Gear in the world. I've seen copies of your stuff and it doesn't compare with the real stuff from you guys.
I wonder whether it is watertight. Can you have a shower with it locking a chastity cage?
Thank you for contacting us regarding the MEOBOND Time Lock for BDSM and Chastity Belts.
I'm happy to inform you that the MEOBOND Time Lock is designed to be durable and resistant. However, it is not completely waterproof. While it can withstand some moisture, it's not advisable to wear it in the shower, especially when locking a chastity cage. The lock's mechanism and electronics are sensitive to water and could be damaged by direct or prolonged exposure.
For the best care and longevity of your MEOBOND Time Lock, we recommend that you remove it before showering or engaging in activities where it may be submerged in water.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dieses Anal-Harness übertrifft bei weitem meine Vorstellungen .Ich habe lange gesucht und nun das perfekte Harness gefunden. Absolut hervorragend verarbeitet, Größe einstellbar in allen Variationen,und das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis für Echt-Leder ist super!! Nun haben mein Freund und ich DEN Hersteller gefunden, den wir so lange gesucht haben ....
This hood works quite well. I never thought I'd try a hood but I gave it a shot after watching some internet movies. What a sensation! It blocks about 90% of the light, barely enough to make out blurry outlines of things in the room and that's only if the lights are on bright. Otherwise it's good night! Easy to breathe thru. Its also impossible to take it off without free hands! Frustrating, yet totally hot!!
Allein schon beim einführen ist es ein heißes Gefühl, auch wenn es beim ersten mal recht ungewohnt war. Aber ist der "Wurm" erst einmal eingeführt, kann man diesen auch getrost unter seiner normalen Kleidung tragen, so das man das heiße Gefühl den ganzen Tag spürt, und die anderen von seinem inneren Glück nichts mitbekommen. Dieses Gefühl, wenn man sein Glück bei jedem Schritt fühlt, ist einfach unbeschreiblich. Also 24/7 habe ich es noch nicht versucht, aber ich kann mir gut vorstellen, das man den "Wurm", wenn man sich nicht mal erleichtern muss, am liebsten gar nicht mehr hergeben möchte.