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Ich bin sehr begeistert von dieser XL-Spritze, das Gefühl die Flüssigkeit nachher wieder rauszuschießen ist genial. Qualität, Preis Leistung einfach Top
What I love about it is that you can regulate and even close the water flow with this nozzle. So you can adjust the temperature and open up the water flow on your tap and turn off the flow on the added nozzle, insert and slowly open water flow to your comfort. Unfortunately for my situation, it was not helpful because of my hot water system which requires a certain water flow and pressure to produce hot water. So if you have a water boiler with a flow-through system it won't work for you unless you want cold water up your ass.
CAZZOMEO è un anello fallico per la testa del pene, da indossare subito sotto il glande, caratterizzato da una sfera di acciaio piena capace di aggiungere un piacere e una stimolazione in più. Questo fantastico anello testa a sfera d'acciaio poggia sul lato inferiore del glande, appena sopra l'albero del pene, stimolando una delle zone più sensibili e reattive del pene.
Semplicemente disponendo l'anello intorno alla testa del pene e mettendo la sfera sulla parte inferiore del glande, si aggiungerà così una leggera pressione e una maggiore stimolazione ricca di sensuali sensazioni. Si può anche stimolare il vostro partner durante la penetrazione grazie alla sfera permettendo il raggiungimento di un piacere alla massima intensità.
The OBSESSIVE is Awesome! Plug on the end was a little larger than expected but popped in without too much work. Very Comfortable to wear, Highly recommended.
Très agréable, doux, glisse facilement, ni trop dur ni trop mou. Un plug qui se porte volontiers des minutes, des heures... Very nice, soft, slips easily, neither too hard nor too soft. A plug that is willingly minutes, hours ...
Produit de très bonne qualité. Sa forme arrondie et légèrement courbée permet d'atteindre les zones érogènes les plus sensibles. Idéal pour vous initier au plaisir anal tout en douceur ...
X-Large, je suis un peu trop gourmand, MAIS...I am a little too
J'ai pris le X-Large car je rêvais de lui. Une fois en main, on prend en considération son gabarit, son épaisseur et son poids. C'est un vrai jouet de bonne qualité. Je pensais facilement glisser dessus, mais un peu gourmand. Mais maintenant la tête passe, "plop" je sens clairement que je passe un cap, "ça bouge" et ensuite je glisse dessus, pas encore jusqu'à la base, mais franchement quelle sensation et excitation de sentir que le petit trou est un tunnel bien droit ..long...et large de 9.5cm ! Je suis excité rien que d'en parler !
I took the X-Large because I dreamed of him. Once in hand, one takes into consideration its size, its thickness and its weight. It's a real good quality toy. I thought easily slip on, but a little greedy. But now the head passes, "plop" I clearly feel that I pass a course, "it moves" and then I slide on it, not yet to the base, but frankly what a sensation and excitement to feel that the little hole is a tunnel right ..long ... and 9.5cm wide! I'm excited just to talk about it!