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EINDEUTIGE KAUFEMPFEHLUNG! Zuerst meint man hoppla - das soll wehtun? .. aber nach einer Minute merkt man schon die Schläge und es brennt ... Preis / Leistungsverhältnis ist bei diesem Produkt TOP ... Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Ottimo prodotto come da descrizione per clistere anale e vaginale per uomini e donne semplice da montare facilissimo da usare. Per gli uomini posso dire molto utile perché con la semplice pressione di acqua tiepida ripulisce tutto, ottimo da fare prima di avere un rapporto anale, io lo uso e lo ritengo ottimo. Per le donne posso dire un prodotto meraviglioso sia per clistere anale ma soprattutto vaginale dove lava internamente con la semplice pressione di acqua tiepida e se si vuole anche stimolante.
I put it in my ass and attach it to douch . Great for cleansing high up and to get ass ready for play. Usually something comes out first and thats good ! nothing is better then clean. And HOTT
GENIAL ! un gros oeuf ideal pour le punching et la prostate
J'ai fait une video sur twitter avec mon profil bottomtoys, et ce produit est super pour le punching (fist) il est facile à manier ! en plus l'oeuf se dévisse pour garder la baguette et le nettoyage ! Mon astuce, je le passe à l'eau chaude avant l'utilisation ! Ideal pour le crisco, les gels et le j-lube ! C'est super aussi pour jouer à deux ! si ton partenaire aime voir ton anus s'ouvrir il va beaucup s'amuser, car la baguette fait environ 40cm avec une poignee anti glisse
Savor every swell in your hole, but imagine the sensation when o
Savor every swell in your hole, but imagine the sensation when one of them starts to caress your prostate! The CUMELOT ALPHA PRO can be used with or without the remote control to cycle through 7 vibration settings that pulse and throb inside your hole. Meanwhile, a bead beneath the surface of the tip will move up and down, milking your sweet spot. The exterior portion has its own motor, as well, and will put textured pressure on your perineum, vibing you from the outside.
This cage is a joy to use on my sissy as the spike adjustment makes them even more servile. A great product and very well made and easy to install and adjust to correct behavior.
It feels heavy and solid. Quality looks good and feels good, no cosmetic issues with it. Item arrives in a molded plastic container inside a box, inside a box with nothing indicating its contents. Both holes feel good and are nicely sized and stretch nicely. Due to size, cleanup is a lil awkward. The material feels nice although there is a noticeable hard structure to parts of it, which I assume is necessary because of the weight and material. You can put it in about any position, doggy, missionary, what ever. It feels good.
Als allererstes die super schnelle Lieferung und eine neutrale Verpackung wie von MEO gewohnt. Das Material des Doppeldildos ist wirklich toll, samtweich und fühlt sich geil an! Die Größen der beiden Eicheln finde ich Ideal und ich glaube, dass sie den meisten Männern und Frauen zusagen! Man spürt sowohl bei Handhabung als auch bei Reinigung des Doppeldildos mit welch hoher Qualität man es hier zu tun hat!
Le docce o lavande anali aiutano a pulire l’ano prima della penetrazione, assicurando la massima pulizia ed igiene, questo garantisce anche una certa rilassatezza prima dell'atto, sicuri di non incappare in spiecevoli sorprese.
Basta riempire il bulbo con acqua tiepida. Una volta inserita, premendo spingerete l’acqua nel retto, processo che garantisce la rimozione in modo delicato di qualsiasi residuo che rimane nella parte inferiore del retto.
My wife and I bought this for her in the beginning, but soon I found it's way to both of us. Even though the size is significantly bigger than I'm used to, I can ride this with great pleasure after a little warm up. It feels great and the feeling stays for hours after a session. The contours gives that extra joy when sliding down its length. Love it.
I bought the Oh So Easy magnetic nipple balls and for me they are difficult to keep in place and when they are in place they are too powerful. Which of your magnetic nipple toys is the easiest to put on and has the weakest magnets? Thank you!