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My wife loves it and its quite. She says it's different than the Hitachi, which she has used for years, and she likes it better. I am her hero today, go me!
For anyone looking for the perfect toy, stop looking and buy the Doxy Number 3. Over the years I have spent a few bucks on sex toys looking for the right one and without question the Doxy is spot on. I am so tired of changing batteries or recharging toys and because I can take a while to climax it is very frustrating when the batteries start to wear out! I'll never buy another toy that doesn't need to be plugged in when in use. So much more effective and liberating. The size is a little intimidating because I don't like big toys, but compared to the usual wand toys around, this one is kind of compact. The vibration is very centralized and sticks to a specific point. This worked great for me and I'm sure if someone prefers a more all over sensation, all they have to do is move around more in that area. I didn't feel any numbness afterwards and it was nice to actually control it so it didn't come too fast. Usually it is the other way around! Fantastic device, beautiful and smooth. It comes in a great box with 3 different types to plug in when you are on vacation. The head comes off for cleaning and the cable is 3m long, very handy. Well designed and British made. Highly recommended, the Doxy is expensive but well worth it. I'm confident it will last a long time and actually save me money in the long run. I'm a real consumer and did a lot of research before I bought it.
Love the design and the intense vibes. The fact that it's rechargable is good, and being able to plug it in to use it makes it super dependable. It sucks when a toy dies in the middle of a play session
Ich bin absolut begeistert, denn das Produkt hat meine hohen Erwartungen sogar noch übertroffen! Ich habe es gekauft, weil ich seit Jahren ein treuer Kunde von MEO bin. Und ich kann nur bestätigen: Der Artikel ist wirklich erstklassig verarbeitet! Nach dem Auspacken war ich angenehm überrascht, dass kein lästiger Geruch in der Luft lag. Für Anfänger wie uns ist das Produkt ideal, denn es lässt sich vielseitig einsetzen – von leicht bis fest – und erfüllt damit wirklich jede nur erdenkliche Bedürfnisse.
Il miglior lubrificante mai usato. Sono una persona molto sensibile e i soliti lubrificanti non gli ho mai sopportato, bruciavano, si seccavano.....ma questo è mitico. Io lo uso a 360° non solo per sesso anale. Credo sia leggermente anestetizzante al sesso orale ( ma forse è solo la mia percezione) si può usare tranquillamente per sesso vaginale, anale e orale, non brucia, non si asciuga , ne serve veramente una piccolissima puntina. Al tatto piacevolissimo, lascia la pelle morbida e vellutata. Lo adoro, mai più senza