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My partner said that it made his orgasm seem stronger, and more powerful. He was definitely just as impressed as I was. Being on the tightest setting, he said, he absolutely loved the amount of pleasure he got from it. This one will definitely be coming out to play with us in the future. I guarantee it, another great buy from MEO Germany. An amazing value for money and we highly recommend it.
I bought the XL size. I have been doing anus stretching for a lo
I bought the XL size. I have been doing anus stretching for a long time and am already quite experienced. I inserted the tunnel easily enough. It is surprisingly comfortable to wear. But I think we need to switch to the XXL size since this one is too small for my stretching anus. I've been wearing it for 5 months now, not all the time, but most of the time. I always sleep with it at night. I take it out only for the duration of sports training and sex. After 1 month of wearing, I noticed that the anus began to close poorly and not good to hold the contents of the intestines. Apparently the muscles of the sphincter began to partially atrophy. I love this feeling of constantly open anus, it really excites me and my partners. Of course, now I have to use diapers or clean myself well before leaving the house (without the anal tunnel.) But this is part of the experience and nothing can be done about it. Now, when I take out the tunnel, the anus remains completely open, as a large gaping hole. Even with all the efforts and muscle tension, I cannot close the anus, the sphincter almost does not react and this feeling excites me. Soon I will switch to size XXL, see if I can live with it permanently and how much more my anus will open. write me if you have any questions bigduplo (at) gmail.com
If you were wondering how big the toy can get, it is always safer to test it before you go to town on your ass. And as with other types of anal play, be sure to use an appropriate lubricant to ensure that you have a pleasurable time.
Wir verwenden den Dildo ausschließlich bei IHM zur Prostatastimulation - d.h. SIE hält den Dildo fest in der Hand und führt das gebogene Ende bei IHM anal ein. (Natürlich in Kombination mit Gleitmittel.) Etwas anatomisches Wissen über die Lage der Prostata und schon erreicht SIE mit dem Dildo ganz einfach und zielsicher SEINE Prostata. Und schon kann das Spiel beginnen...
Cage in ottima fattura, super confortevole e facile da usare
La cage è perfetta nella sua fattura, materiale metallico di ottima qualità, confortevole, ed esteticamente elegante! Super consigliata per chi ama questo kink! Doppia chiave, meccanismo facile da usare.
Ich bin absolut begeistert! Das Produkt entspricht exakt meinen Vorstellungen und ist erstklassig verarbeitet. Und der Versand? Auch hier war alles super schnell. Ich gebe definitiv alle fünf Sterne!
Geiles Teil ist sofort fast ganz im Ar.... verschwunden fehlt nicht mehr viel . Weiches aber nicht zu weiches Material Zum dehnen optimal Würde den Plug sofort wieder kaufen Wenn am Anfang die ersten cm drin sind merkt man dan jeden weiteren cm ....mmmmmh total geil