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I’ve been searching for the perfect plug for all day wear and finally founded it, this is it! Soooooo comfortable. I went with the large, NO chance of popping out. All I feel is pleasure.
This is the best plug ever. Took a little while and a lot of lube to get it in at first. But when it pops in WOW what an intense feeling. I use this about every other day and it is doing a great job of stretching my my man pussy. I use this to warm up to my rambone for an intense night of fucking. I'm ready for fisting if I could find someone to share it with.
Die Maße dieser Plugs sind für den normalen Mann oder auch die Frau hervorragend geeignet, fortgeschrittene Fan der Analdehnung benötigen andere Maße zur befriedigenden Dehnung. Die Ausführung ist massearm. Das HIghlight ist die Option, durch die "Kapillaren" des Stegs Flüssigkeiten einfüllen zu können.
Esthétiquement, il est superbe, parfaitement fini. Fonctionnellement, il est précis, agréable, doux... mais très lourd, ce qui le rend "fatiguant" à utiliser, et délicat car chaque geste un peu brusque ou incontrôlé peut faire mal. Le poids est donc autant un atout qu'un défaut sur cet objet, au contraire de sa forme à laquelle on ne peut rien reprocher ! Dans cette gamme de prix, il est difficile de dire s'il est plus intéressant que les vibros "spécial point G" des concurrents. A acheter en étant certain que le côté "non vibrant" + "inox" + "poids" sera apprécié !
This should be called a P***y Lock! Using in the ass is ok, but I've never had a better device to humiliate and control my wife than this device. My new favorite thing to do (and really get in her head) is to make her insert and spread it herself (usually with the encouragement of the paddle). To watch the look on her face as she locks it in her p***y knowing I will now have complete control over her is breath taking. Most recently I have used it as a part of our vibration training sessions, I make her put it in and lock it to the chain that secures her to the floor. She is then in the perfect position to line up any number of vibrators, and if she tries to pull away it will just stretch her to the max. I recently put her on a 12 day training ritual where she gets attached to the vibrator for 5 minutes the first day and then 5 more minutes each day after (making the 12th day a full hour). I got this cool timer for christmas lights and set it for one minute on and then one minute off (I don't think she could do it straight longer than 10-15 minutes). Watching her writhe trying to pull off the vibrator and stretching her p***y ever time she tried was sensational
What an awesome feeling being opened right up. My partner and I love seeing how open we can get it then slide things in my arse with ease whilst it is opened right up. Thanks MEO for so many hours of fun with all your awesome products
This speculum is awesome, it gets very big and allows for maximum gape. It can sometimes feel like it's cutting you but if you take it easy it feels nice.