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Kåta erbjudanden 24 timmar: Nya erbjudanden varje dag - kraftigt reducerade. Upptäck flash-erbjudanden, dagens erbjudanden, fynd, erbjudanden och kuponger.
This is a very sturdy piece of equipment. It will benefit from a tiny bit of Ballistol oil along the sides where the clamp slides and along the threads of the screw. In addition to using it as a ball clamp, it can also do some amazing stuff as a cock torture device. You can out your cock in it and clamp it down at the base near your balls...a little bit of pain and a lot of swelling--the good kind. My master used a MEO pin wheel on it and it was almost too much; hypersensitive I guess. Anyway you can masturbate with the lower 1/4 of your cock clamped flat in this beauty, and if it's a good strong orgasm then when you release the clamp the cum will literally pour out of your cock.
Der Eichelring ist einfach ein sehr geiles Produkt,sehr einfach anzuwenden , dazu trägt bestimmt das gute Material bei. Ich bin positiv überrascht , was die Auswirkung auf meine Errektion betrifft. Das Design und schwere Material sind einfach super .