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A True Game-Changer - My Deep Throat Spray from MEO!
I must share my enthusiasm for MEO's Deep Throat Spray. This product is like a game changer and has far exceeded my expectations. From the first time I used it, I was amazed at its effectiveness. It has taken my deep throat skills to a whole new level. The spray allows me to orally pleasure my partner in a more intense and prolonged manner without the discomfort or gag reflex. It's truly incredible how this little bottle has positively changed my sexual experience. Another great aspect is the convenient size of the spray, which makes it perfect for on the go. Whether we're at home or traveling, I can always have it with me, knowing that I can optimize my deep throat capabilities. I highly recommend the MEO Deep Throat Spray. It is an absolute must for anyone who wants to improve their oral skills and please their partner in a whole new way. It truly works like a magic weapon and has enriched my sexual experience. Thank you MEO for this fantastic product!
This stuff is excellent! Unlike loads of other lubes, this one stays slippery... Just how we like it! And when it does eventually dry out it's like it wasn't there in the first place. Not sticky or tacky.. Just perfect!
It is very good to have this. However, no list of diameters in mm available, so what should I do now ? buy each of them to try, which one fits mine anal toy ? and still no answers from Meo customer service...
Excellent lubrifiant!!! Excellent pour une penetration facile et comfortable ! Fini les douleurs anales après une nuit un peu trop 'forcee' :) Detend le muscle anal et permet de bien penetrer en profondeur sans incomforts pour son partenaire, ou partenaires :) eh eh :)
Un'esperienza rivoluzionaria per l'anal stretching!
Ho provato l'Ass Grommet e sono rimasto stupefatto. Il silicone robusto ma vellutato è perfetto per un'inserimento semplice e confortevole. Anche se ero un principiante nell'anal stretching, questo prodotto mi ha fatto sentire a mio agio e sicuro. La sensazione di essere così esposto è incredibile, e i risultati visibili dopo poco tempo sono sorprendenti.
Das darf wirklich nirgendwo fehlen, denn nur ein hygienisch sauberes Spielzeug macht auch auf lange Sicht Spaß ohne schlechtes Gewissen. Wir spülen die Toys immer erst warm ab und sprühen sie dann einmal ab. Kann ich nur jedem empfehlen.
Die Zeitschlösser sind wirklich geil und leisteten gute Dienste. Leider sind beide Schlösser, die ich vor ca. einem Jahr gekauft habe inzwischen nicht mehr verwendbar, da die Display-Anzeige nicht mehr funktioniert und der Akku nicht mehr lädt. Evtl sollten bessere Displays oder Akkus verbaut werden. Und wenn ich noch einen Wunsch äußern durfte: bietet auch mal einen KG an, der damit abschließbar ist. Leider sind die Schlosslöcher an den KGs entweder zu klein, oder der Bügel vom Schloss zu groß.