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Première fois que je teste ce genre de produit et agréablement surprise. Je l'ai testé une première fois et j'ai d'abord eu un peu peur, l'effet est immédiat et surprenant. Je l'ai même fait tester à mon copain ! Il a été efficace et je l'emploie à chaque fois depuis.
Hat meine Erwartungen wirklich übertroffen, denn es wirkt tatsächlich wie versprochen. Es nimmt Schmerzen, und lässt einen durch das Kribbeln, kurz nach dem ersten Aufsprühen, schon richtig Lust bekommen.
it’ll gives you the thing you’ve already wanted during sounding - smoothless sounding insertion n movement. the only thing i’m not satisfied about is the fact that they sell it on a very small bottle
When I took the toy out of its packaging I was immediately struck by the smoothness of it and the feel in my hand. I couldn't wait to put it where it belongs. Already used to a good stiff fucking by machine I was well ready for this toy. With plenty of lube it slid in with some minor discomfort but settled into place perfectly. With the plug in I felt well stretched and comfortable. I can wear it constantly though one has to get used to doing some unscheduled cleaning. Don't be squeamish on that score the pleasures outweigh the problem on every level. My mistress loves it and will only remove it to give me a good hard fuck. Soon I shall move on to the larger size and to hell with the expense. I shall be disappointed when I have outstretched the largest ring.
My wife and I have tried several lubricant brands. Aquameo is the best without question. All the others are a combined waste of money. This product especially enhances a hindered condom interface. It is also the best "personal" lubricant I have ever used.
Ca y est le M je le mets et garde sans problème. Maintenant c'est le L. Mais il y a un bel écart. Entrainement en cours Trèsbon produit qui offre des bonnes sensations
Das darf wirklich nirgendwo fehlen, denn nur ein hygienisch sauberes Spielzeug macht auch auf lange Sicht Spaß ohne schlechtes Gewissen. Wir spülen die Toys immer erst warm ab und sprühen sie dann einmal ab. Kann ich nur jedem empfehlen.
The lock itself works just fine, but beyond the arrow headed part of the tip of the wire it is just to wide go go inside the locking hole of the CB-6000 chastity cage i have(albeit not by a great margin) That and i somehow feel that even if it would mean the price would go up 3 fold, it would be worth it to develop a lock that is smaller in size then this one, since this will leave an imprint far more easier then a standard chastity cage lock. So in the end, can not say this product has proven to be unreliable, but it is somewhat misleading to say this can be used for any chastity device and it can really use improvements, even if that means the price would go up.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt. Es riecht ein wenig, aber das ist nun echt nicht schlimm. Da gibt es wesentlich schlimmere Produkte. Es ist überall einsetzbar - auch an intimen Stellen. Die Haare sind komplett weg. Klasse.