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This double ring ball stretcher offers intense play for your mal
Crafted from stainless steel, this ball stretcher has an immensely intense sensation for your male partner. What you're doing is placing your partner's scrotum into the rings, such that their testicles are under the bottom ring and the top ring rests at the base of the scrotum.
Then you start turning the screws; the first set of screws are for the rings to secure them around the scrotum. The next set screw (the large screw) begins to separate the two rings apart, and thereby stretching the scrotum. This stretch, combined with the built-in weight of the device will give your partner immense testicle pressure. See how far you can go, see how far you can stretch.
Darauf haben wir gewartet: endlich mal ein beschichteter Mundspreizer. Denn mal ehrlich: Mundspreizer sind geil, aber für den Zahnschmelz ist das immer so ne Sache. Dies ist komplett durch die Beschichtung umgangen und durch das Lederband lässt sich das Ganze auch optimal am Sub befestigen. Ratsch-ratsch und auf das Mäulchen…genau so, wie es sein sollte. Ich benutze nie wieder einen anderen – schlicht perfekt.
Just wanted to say : Above Excellent service, always Very High quality products, delivers precisely as promised and fast, great Care In packing the orders, effecient and extremely professionel In all aspects - will have no problems recommending your shop And this goes for all my orders so far
Allas this device is ONLY suitable for guys with small testicles. XL or XXL balls will find this device no good... Too small and impossible to get it on.. Mine was torn apart while trying it on. Cannot help it, this material is not flexible enough.