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As with the wrist cuffs, these are awesome and you absolutely need the set! Strong yet soft and firm; these cuffs redefine what you expect from leather cuffs. To start with they can be a bit stiff, but the inside is soft and caring for your skin. The added ability to lock them closed is one i love, and the padlock is a proper one - not a gimmick that can be broken out of in a few seconds. If you're serious about being locked up, or locking someone up, then these are made for you.
Halten was sie versprechen: Dadurch das sie gut gepolstert sind, können diese auch über längere Zeit getragen werden. Superweiches Leder und ordentliche Breite der Cuffs. Toll auch: Die mitgelieferten Schlösser sind bei MEO alle gleichschließend, somit entfällt das lässtige rumsuchen nach dem passenden Schlüssel für das passende Schloss ("One key serves all"). Insgesamt sehr zufrieden damit!
Kinky is or was not my inclination until I tried this device. Yes, it can cause pain or discomfort. Yes, if your Mistress decides to employ this device you will have to man-up. I am uncircumcised and wear it over my foreskin at the moment. I tried it on my uncovered frenulum and it was very unpleasant at first. I suspect after a while I will be able to endure it and enjoy it. My Mistress is very gracious and well experienced. I am the first to volunteer for this product.
The item, as usual, is well made and is really a joy in design. Remember to lubricate the screws periodically and keep your hex wrench in a familiar place, if your Mistress or Master allows it.
This is a nice way to enter another side of sexual and behavioral discipline.
Der Eichelring ist wirklich aus Edelstahl und gefällt mir sehr gut. Das Gefühl ist sowohl im Normalzustand als auch mit Erektion geil (auch oder insbesondere beim Sex oder der Handarbeit).
This is a very high quality instrument. It works great and really allows you to test the limits to how wide your ass can spread. I've only used it by myself and use a mirror to see how wide I can get. It's a great feeling, fun toy. Highly recommend it for the anally obsessed.
Ich schätze die sehr gute Augenmaske, denn sie hilft mir ausgezeichnet, mich auf jegliche Berührungen durch die Hände meiner Dame oder durch von ihr eingesetzte Toys und vor allem auch auf geile Stimulation mit zarten oder festeren Peitschenhieben auf alle sensiblen Stellen zu konzentrieren und entsprechend zu erleben und zu genießen. Aber ich leide auch, denn so kann ich meine Dame in ihren geilen Dessous nicht beobachten.
This is a good speculum to create an 'O' shaped view, as it has 3 prongs instead of 2. Be careful when removing, because if you close it while it is inserted, it can pinch you and it hurts. I close it most of the way and then remove it to solve the problem. It could be improved by opening to a wider diameter
Strong chain which is fantastically long so gives you the ability to tug at it a bit and not hurt the slave too much...
The leather handle is a nice fit and very strong, it hasn't failed yet.
Some of the nice touches are the things that you can achieve with it. Not only can it be the lead but it can be the collar and the lead, or a choke chain for those very naughty nights.
The lead is a must for us that have naughty little pets that need training...