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Der Cockring von MEO ist top. 1A Verarbeitung! Er lässt sich wunderbar tragen - auch längere Zeit - und verschafft (für beide Partner) ein irres Gefühl.
Ti piacciono le docce dorate? Il tuo tappeto un po' meno. Goditi il tuo piacere umido e poi getta il Fetish Pad nella spazzatura. Voilà! Può essere così semplice.
OMG!!! If you’re after something which just keeps giving and giving, then this torturous beast will keep you coming back for more time and time again…. The head feels great as it pops on your b*tt as it’s nice and BIG!! …. Then the real work starts… You get to one level, and then another amd then another and another…
Great quality leather whip. It did take a bit of practice because of the length. It’s a more serious whip than what we had and her butt definitively felt the difference! Great pop! And it leaves marks!
Der Analplug auf den ich immer gewartet habe. Einmal das Ding eingeführt spürt man die Bewegung deutlich. Aber der Dilator kann nicht heraus rutschen. So kann man ihn problemlos den Tag über tragen. Absolut ausfüllend bis in den letzten Winkel. TOP!!!
Simply great! Maybe not for every-day-wear - but great for play - strict, robust and good-looking! I would recommend it to everyone thats in this for serious play!