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You can get these wet you can get lube all over them and they will stand up to the wear and tear. The neoprene on the inside has a padding feel that are great for long bondage sessions.
HOT !!! I found this easy to put on and loved the feel while wearing it. I recommend it be worn commando style so nothing interfere with the extraordinary feel. I have two different sizes. The 1 1/2" and 1 1/5". Thanks!!!
I really love this plug and the first day I wore it all day long at work - 10 hours - I am sure everyone was wondering why I had a smile on all day long. It is fantastic and is now in the group that I wear all day long a work. I love the weight and the dimensions are perfect!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!
Grandi candele per principianti se stai considerando il gioco della cera. Sono belli e sono più lunghi di quanto mi aspettassi. Che è un punto a favore. Aerare la stanza quando si usano le candele. Soprattutto quando contiene molto cherosene. Le candele si scaldano, ma non troppo. Dà una sensazione piacevole, a condizione che le candele gocciolino abbastanza lontano dalla pelle!
Merveilleux bijoux anal bien fini , assez lourd ( 1000 g ) qui tient bien en place .. on peut le garder des heures sans que cela gêne .. je dirais même que son poids procure un grand plaisir .. bien sur , sa forme conviendra seulement aux personnes habituées à ces gros diamètres .. je recherchais depuis longtemps ce genre de bijoux assez large et lourd , ce qui n'est pas courant .. peut être qu' un autre bijoux de ce genre sortira avec un diamètre plus conséquent ... je recommande vivement ..