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Nice soft materiel with good attention to detail, the taboo nature of this product really got my wife going and she orgasmed within seconds, hope to go larger in the future ! This was great fun to use as a couple and we both got plenty of pleasure from it.
This was a first animal dildo for my wife and she LOVED it!
This was a first animal dildo for my wife and she LOVED it! The medium size and firmness for her was perfect. She loved the gradual girth and the way it filled her up. We were skeptical but it was worth every penny! But don’t take my or my wife’s word for it, do yourself a favor and get one! Your partner will thank you!!
Ho comprato tutti e 4 i butt plugs di questa serie e sono estremamente soddisfatto. Hanno un peso elevato e una base larga, quindi sono perfetti per lo stretching anale. Ma il vero punto forte è il materiale (non troppo duro e non troppo morbido) così come la superficie speciale su cui il lubrificante aderisce a lungo e non si asciuga. Posso raccomandare vivamente il butt plug. Forse non è adatto ai principianti, ma ci sono tre misure tra cui scegliere.
I bought all 4 butt plugs from this line and I am highly satisfied. They have a heavy weight and a wide base so you can ride them perfectly. But the real highlight is the material (not too hard and not too soft) and the special surface on which the lubricant stays for a long time and does not dry out. I can strongly recommend the butt plug. Maybe not suitable for beginners, but there are three sizes to choose from.
Mamamia ! Nichts für Anfänger aber wenn der Plug erstmal drin ist suuuper. Haben erst die Größe M bestellt und gleich danach noch L. Passen beide super, auch super Material, saugt sich nicht fest, gibt beim sitzen immer Feedback "wie hey ich bin noch da", ist echt irre ständig diese geile Stimulation und Dehnung. Für mich und Männer die auf extreme Analdehnung stehen sind die Plugs echt cool.
Diese grandiose Penisnachbildung kann ich mir sehr gut als dominanten Zimmerschmuck in einem erotischen Salon für BDSM-Spiele vorstellen. Davor können die Sklavinnen/Sklaven niederknien, bevor sie die männliche Dominanz hingebungsvoll erleben dürfen.
Dank Karabiner kann man die gut am Gürtel befestigen, war erst irritiert durch das leichte Gewicht aber erfüllt voll und ganz den Nutzen zu absoluter Zufriedenheit