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Really like these wipes, they come in a convenient little pack and very discreet which is handy to carry around and fit in my bag. The wipes themselves are a great size and perfectly thick which is great and a fantastic comfort to know that I am going to feel clean and refreshed. I think they are great value for money and generally just a fantastic product. Highly recommended
La Scacciapalle di MEO è una paletta utilizzata per regalare delle sonore ed efficaci sculacciate, conosciute anche come spanking. Realizzata in ecopelle con un aspetto duro e fetish allo stesso tempo, con una forma quadrata e piana classica che rilascerà delle sonore sculacciate ad ogni sferzata, è un oggetto molto semplice ma terribilmente trasgressivo.
Il manico permette un’impugnatura comoda che vi consentirà di toccare ogni parte del corpo desiderata del partner, su cui poter sfogare squillanti sculacciate regolandone forza e intensità.
Der Ring Cockring aus Silikon sich angenehm weich an und gut dehnbar, was das Anziehen einfach macht. Der Tragekomfort des Cockrings ist sehr gut und die Benutzung macht viel Spaß und sorgt für eine langanhaltende harte Erektion.
I love this gag! My boy surprised me with it one night and strapped me into it. I couldn't make a sound and I love the way it fills the mouth! It looks so erotic and sensual, especially when the person wearing it is in bondage. Highly recommended for anyone who loves mouth filling gags!
For those who might be slightly claustrophobic this hood excellent because the nature of the material permits limited vision but enough not to disorientate the wearer. Hearing is not impaired. Even with your mouth nicely stretched but in insertion breathing is possible through the nose without stress. The hood fits snuggly and is easily washed.
Having bought a couple of other cages which were a lot less expensive I was looking for something which would actually fit. Although expensive, this is well made with smooth edges, so is suited for extended wear. Certainly surprised my gf who spent a frantic few minutes trying to find the key before my resolution crumbled.