Aşağıdaki seçimde bulunabilecek çeşitli çerezler kullanıyoruz. Gerekli çerezler sitemizin çalışması için gereklidir ve bu nedenle varsayılan olarak ayarlanır. Diğer tüm çerezler, çevrimiçi teklifimizi ihtiyaçlarınıza göre tasarlamamıza ve sürekli olarak geliştirmemize yardımcı olur. İstatistik çerezleri, anonim olarak bilgi toplayarak ziyaretçilerin web sitemizle nasıl etkileşimde bulunduğunu anlamamıza yardımcı olur. Pazarlama çerezleri, sitemizde önerilen ürünleri geliştirmemizi sağlar. Bu çerezleri aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak yönetebilirsiniz. Ayarlara istediğiniz zaman sitemizden erişebilir ve uygun şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz.
I regulary make video on youtube and Instagram (Msieurjeremy) to preventing . I have receive it to make a pop's videos and it's very good quality metal . The only things it's i found the 2 tubes, maybe too tight / thin , but it's easy to use, and more safe .
A stunning collar to complement my magnetic personality
I love the cold feel of steel when it's against my skin and this one delivers that feeling well. It's also quite substantial and so you really know it's there, its weight and hardness are a constant reminder of its presence and that is one of the things that I really like about it.
This is my second metal collar and it is now my favourite. It looks incredible and makes me feel so submissive. I love its snug fit and the look of it around my neck. Its two magnets hold it securely closed and it really does get some nice admiring looks when people see me wearing it. If you are looking for a metal collar that is almost a fashion statement then this is definitely one to consider.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/euphoria-collar-with-ball-clasp-steel-fetish-collar-review.html
Apparently it works.. as i have not told my boyfriend i am using it and he said to me one day .... are you bleaching yr a** or something bc its so pink! all the other good reviews are correct and I am glad I decided to make the purchase
Mangels Freund habe ich den Partner-Penisplug mit einem Dildo mit Abspritzfunktion getestet. OMG, das Ding hat in mich reingeschossen. Hammer-, Hammer-, Hammer-Gefühle
Aspiration la plus intense , par double joints toriques et bonne qualité de fabrication
Les plus petits tetons , meme rentrés , peuvent accrocher n'importe quelle "nippies" avec de lourdes chaines !...et les faire ' danser.'comme dans un certain film typiquement américain qui se passe dans un cabaret.
Nachdem wir nun schon die Handfesseln ausgiebig getestet haben, haben wir uns nun also noch die Fußfesseln der San Francisco Linie zugelegt. Und auch hier: volle Punktzahl und große Begeisterung! Das Leder duftet wahnsinnig gut, ist wundervoll weich und auch direkt aus der Packung genommen sind die Fesseln direkt anschmiegsam und 0,0 starr. Die Polsterung macht die Fessel bequem zu tragen, sodass diese auch nach mehreren Stunden nicht abgenommen werden müssen. Das diese nicht abgenommen werden können, dafür sorgt auch hier wieder ein kleines Schlösschen. Wir sind begeistert! ;)