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Questo è un plug per pene della linea MEO: l'arte del gioco uretrale, con SPRINKLER si affina grazie all'aggiunta di sei fori di uscita sull'estremità alta dello spinotto, che vi permetteranno di "irrigare" letteralmente il vostro partner, come se foste un'annaffiatoio, per la vostra più completa soddisfazione. Questo spinotto per il pene è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, ed è creativamente progettato per suscitare un piacere estremo grazie anche al suo facile utilizzo.
I contorni lisci consentono a questo spinotto di essere superbamente e diabolicamente stimolante. Potrete utilizzare il SPRINKLER anche con giochi di variazioni termiche, raffreddandolo completamente, tenendolo nel frigorifero, oppure scaldarlo immergendolo in acqua calda, il livello del vostro desiderio sessuale di dominazione assumerà sfumature più dense e fosche. Il foro passante da parte a parte, permette un uso prolungato.
As a newbie to urethral play this was a great buy. Great for slow play and really gives a good sensation when my cock is massaged. Nicely made and comforting that it cant slip in out of reach, however even if one of my smooth sounds disappears out of sight staying calm and pushing it back out gently from the underside of my balls is not a problem.
I consider myself to be relatively modestly endowed, if you see what I mean... and I have never tried to stretch my urethra, or been able to insert any of the more common sized plugs on this site... but this barely touches the sides! It's very nice quality so if you're unsure, uncomfortable with the size of some of the other plugs or just want to start easy, give this a go... I'm betting tho, that you'll want a bigger one quite quickly.
Der Dilator hat den richtigen Durchmesser, aber die Länge ist nach einer Weile, für erfahrene Anwender, uninteressant. Aber zum Üben für Anfänger ist er vollkommen okay
Although I bought two plugs this one is the best. Just lucky I guess this fits like it was made for me. Not going to get tired of this anytime soon. You are a great company to deal with and you will be hearing from me again. I look forward to my next purchase. Thanks again.
Sehr gut zu tragen und Einführen. Nicht zusammen mit Cockring oder Ballstretcher tragen-Verletzungsgefahr beim knickenwgen der Großen Länge. Gute Verarbeitung!
This thing is awesome! I push it ALL the way! It hurts like hell but I love it. My wife loves it too, especially when I use a cock ring too. It makes my cock super hard and increases my orgasm because it hurts even more. Don't give up.
If this form of pleasure is your first time than this tool is not ideal. It is better to buy a normal sound so you get used to the feeling and open in gentle stages your urethra. Despite that I used a few times but only achieved once a full penetration of it. Once in did i enjoyed the feeling if it. Having sex freely until cumming is great and it did stayed in completely.
Das Sound Set hält absolut, was die Beschreibung verspricht. Gute Verarbeitung und Qualität, made in Germany. Optisch ebenfalls sehr ansprechend. Ich kann es nur weiter empfehlen.
Schneller Versand, tolle Qualität, guter Preis - und das hat Prinzenzepter hat für mich sowohl in der Länge als auch im Durchmesser die perfekten Maße.