Aşağıdaki seçimde bulunabilecek çeşitli çerezler kullanıyoruz. Gerekli çerezler sitemizin çalışması için gereklidir ve bu nedenle varsayılan olarak ayarlanır. Diğer tüm çerezler, çevrimiçi teklifimizi ihtiyaçlarınıza göre tasarlamamıza ve sürekli olarak geliştirmemize yardımcı olur. İstatistik çerezleri, anonim olarak bilgi toplayarak ziyaretçilerin web sitemizle nasıl etkileşimde bulunduğunu anlamamıza yardımcı olur. Pazarlama çerezleri, sitemizde önerilen ürünleri geliştirmemizi sağlar. Bu çerezleri aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak yönetebilirsiniz. Ayarlara istediğiniz zaman sitemizden erişebilir ve uygun şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz.
OMFG .... So fest, hart und tief wurde ich noch nie ge..... äh, "genommen" ... Hammer das Ding !!! Und der Preis ist Spitze. Material ist angenehm auf der Haut durch die Polsterung. Eigentlich will ich, seitdem wir diesen Gurt haben, nur noch in der Hündchenstellung "genommen" werden....
Also ich war sehr positiv überrascht, wie angenehm sich die Analkugeln verwenden lassen. Das Material ist sehr angenehm und lässt sich super leicht reinigen. Der Effekt mit dem Gleitgel funktioniert sehr gut, kannte ich bisher so nicht, hat mich aber sehr begeistert.
Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable.
During my first and only bondage session, I was made to wear one of these and I instantly loved it, so I had to buy one for myself. It is a fantastic hood. Quite snug but this is a good thing, and it is very comfortable. Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable. Very happy with it!
Die Konstruktion dieses Massagegeräts ist auf breite Penismaße ausgelegt. Interessant ist es, dass vier leicht profilierte Druckrollen des erigierten Penis in die "Zange nehmen". Dazu sind sie schwenkbar gelagert, so dass sie immer an zu massierenden Objekt anliegen. Insgesamt sieht dieses Massagegerät sehr technisch aus, erfüllt aber seine Aufgabe wirksam.
Find it much more comfortable than the other posture collars I own. The locks on the back are also a big plus to remind your Slave that he is under Master's full control. :-)
I've had one of these for about 6 weeks now and am enjoying it a lot - the 'suckers' feel really good as they move across my prostate. The quality is good and the suction cup works well. I'm not a newbie so I bought the large size and it's just enough to stretch me without being uncomfortable. Try as I might, I haven't yet been able to make it all the way down to the base yet. There seems to be a 'corner' of some sort in there, which I just can't maneuver it around solo, but I'm really enjoying the practice! I'm hoping that my ffriend will be able to jiggle it about sufficiently to get it a little deeper. The feeling of being stuffed so far inside is awesome! I'd highly recommend this toy.
Bucurati-va de o explozie de parfum si culoare cu Cocktail Editions, bucurati-va de o piscina cu un lubrifiant de lux. Slube este un gel care vine sub forma de cristale. Cand se adauga in apa calda, cristalele se despart, formand un lubrifiant corporal incredibil de neted si senzual. Puteti folosi Slube pentru orice, de la o experienta relaxanta in cada, pana la masaje senzuale! Slube acopera complet pielea, reducand nevoia de reaplicare si reducand frecarea dintre dumneavoasta si partener. Lasa pielea moale si revigoranta. Slube retine, de asemenea, caldura in apa, astfel vei avea mai mult timp pentru a te juca si nu este nevoie sa umpli in continuare cu apa calda. Folosirea cristalelor in cada Folosirea Slube este usoara! Umpleti cada, conform instructiunilor incluse, adaugati cristalele in apa si urmariti cum incepe gelul sa se formeze. Dupa ce ati terminat joaca, adaugati mai multa apa pentru a o dilua, apoi scoateti capacul de la cada. Folosirea cristalelor in alte moduri Va sugeram sa adaugati cateva linguri la apa calda intr-o sticla din plastic impreuna cu cristalele. Apoi, agitati pur si simplu sticla si in cateva minute, lubrifiantul pentru corp parfumat si colorat este gata pentru a fi aplicat! De asemenea, il puteti amesteca intr-un recipient, de exemplu, daca il utilizati pentru masaj. Din nou, cateva linguri de apa calda ar trebui sa fie suficiente. Vrei o joaca alunecoasa intr-o piscina? Se amesteca intr-o galeata si se toarna! Vrei o consistenta mai groasa? Doar adauga mai multe cristale! Ai nevoie sa fie mai subtire? Adauga mai multa apa! Este minunat sa experimentezi cu Slube si sa obtii exact ce doresti.
Just got my "invisible" gag delivered yesterday here in Dublin, and I'm genuinely surprised by how unique yet effective it is! With this, the mouth and tongue can still be involved, offering an entirely different experience from traditional gags. And believe me, there's no chance of talking back with this on.
The design is remarkable. It fits the mouth's shape perfectly, and the soft silicone pads ensure the mouth stays comfortably open. I've tried classic O-ring gags before, but this one's game-changing. No obstructive ring and the option for a bit of oral play? Brilliant! And the adjustable neck strap ensures it fits snugly. Highly recommended for those looking to spice things up a bit!
J'ai acheté cette masque en spandex avec une certaine scepticisme, mais quelle surprise! Le matériau est incroyablement doux et extensible, aucune irritation ou inconfort même après une longue utilisation. Je recommande vivement!