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Seks Oyuncakları

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Joyboxx - Seks oyuncaklarının saklanması için

Oyuncaklarınızı gizli, güvenli ve hijyenik bir şekilde nerede saklayacağınızı sık sık merak ettiniz mi? Joyboxx size mükemmel bir çözüm sunuyor ve aynı zamanda sizi çocukların gözlerinden koruyor. Set, pratik bir saklama kutusu ve yeni temizlenmiş oyuncaklarınız için kullanabileceğiniz bir kurutma tepsisinden oluşur.

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119,99 €

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109,99 €

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    Joyboxx - Hijyenik Depolama Sistemi


    Joyboxx'umuz seks oyuncaklarınız, kısıtlamalarınız, kayganlaştırıcılarınız veya prezervatifleriniz için mükemmel bir saklama yeridir.


    Joyboxx Önemli Noktalar :


    Pratik saklama kutusu
    Çocukların ellerinden veya ebeveynlerin gözlerinden koruma ;-)
    100 gizlilik için kilitlenebilir
    Bulaşık makinesinde yıkanabilir
    Antimikrobiyal özel plastik
    Havalandırma delikleri küf, toz ve tüylere karşı korur
    USB bağlantı kablosu için geçişli
    Joyboxx seyahat için mükemmeldir
    Tablet eklentisi temizliği kolaylaştırır
    Küçük oyuncaklara hızlı erişim için ekstra bölme



    Oyuncaklarınızı gizli, güvenli ve hijyenik bir şekilde nerede saklayacağınızı sık sık merak etmediniz mi?


    Joyboxx size mükemmel bir çözüm sunuyor. Set, pratik bir saklama kutusu ve yeni temizlenmiş oyuncaklarınız için kullanabileceğiniz bir kurutma tepsisinden oluşur.


    Joyboxx'un temizlenmesi kolaydır ve bulaşık makinesine bile koyulabilir. Kutudaki küçük bir kapak, daha küçük oyuncaklar veya prezervatifler için ekstra alan bile sunar.


    Oyuncaklar Joyboxx'taki bir açıklıktan USB kablosu ile şarj edilebilir. Joyboxx'umuz sadece başucu çekmecesine mükemmel uyum sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda kompakt şekli sayesinde pratik bir seyahat arkadaşı haline gelir.


    100 gizlilik garantilidir, çünkü küçük bir kilit kutuyu sizden başka kimsenin açamamasını sağlar.


    Çıkarılabilir tepsi, oyuncaklarınızı temizlemek ve kurutmak için mükemmel bir aksesuardır. Butt plug veya yapay penisiniz kururken toz veya tüylerle temas etmez, hijyenik tepsinin üzerinde durur ve hemen tekrar kullanıma hazır hale gelir.


    Boyutlar: 33 x 12 x 17 cm

    Bu da ilginizi çekebilir:



    Hygienic Storage System Joyboxx

    Hygienic Storage System non è una semplice scatola, ma un vero e proprio sistema, scopriamo perchè. È realizzato in PVC, un materiale privo di ftalati, non poroso e arricchito con gli ioni d'argento con azione antimicrobica. Le dimensioni sono contenute per poter essere trasportato anche durante i tuoi viaggi e spostamenti. È capiente, per contenere oggetti di varie dimensioni.Hygienic Storage System è dotato di un vano superiore per contenere piccoli oggetti come profilattici, ad esempio, e di un sistema di bloccaggio a scorrimento per essere certi che i tuoi effetti personali siano lontani anche dalla portata di bambini.
    La vera innovazione è la presenza del sistema Playtray: una griglia collocata all'interno della scatola, rimovibile, che funge da barriera per evitare che i tuoi sex toys ed oggetti in generale si macchino o si impolverino. Potrai estrarre la griglia, lavare i tuoi sex toys e riporre la griglia all'interno del tuo Hygienic Storage System. Un sistema di ventilazione caratterizzato da 10 piccoli fori lungo tutto il perimetro della scatola, crea la giusta ventilazione che permette l'evaporazione dell'umidità per essere certi che i tuoi oggetti restino intatti e igienicamente protetti.
    Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System è dotato di un foro più grande nella parte posteriore che consente il passaggio del cavo USB per ricaricare i tuoi oggetti.
    Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System è davvero uno scrigno segreto e completo, tutto da provare!



      Die Joyboxx ist ein neues Hygienic Storage System, um deine Sextoys diskret aufzubewahren. So Du du deine Spielzeuge nicht nur, sondern kannst sie auch hygienisch und ohne neugierige Blicke zu fürchten unterbringen. Die Box wurde aus porenfreiem, robustem Kunststoff ohne PVC und Phtalate hergestellt. Das bedeutet, dass sie einfach zu reinigen ist oder bei Bedarf auch in den Geschirrspüler gestellt werden kann. Sie besteht neben einer praktischen Aufbewahrungsbox, auch aus einer Schiene, die du für deine frisch gereinigten Toys verwenden kannst. Eine kleine Klappe in der Box bietet zusätzlichen Platz für kleinere Toys, Gleitmittel, Kondome, Öle und andere intime Produkte.
      Dank des schönen Designs und der kompakten Größe, kann die Joyboxx leicht in der Nachttischschublade oder unter einem Bett aufbewahrt werden. Sie ist mit einem Loch auf der Seite ausgestattet, welches es ermöglicht die Toys über eine USB-Kabel aufzuladen. Neben dem bereits integriertem Verschlusssystem, wird ein weiteres Mini-Vorhängeschloss mitgeliefert um dafür zu sorgen, dass niemand außer Dir die Box öffnen kann.
      Für eine einwandfreie Hygiene wird die Joyboxx mit dem herausnehmbaren PlayTray geliefert. Dieser kann als praktischer Unterteiler im Innern der Box verwendet werden, oder um Deome Toys zu reinigen und trocknen zu lassen. Während dein Toy trocknet, kommt es nicht mit Staub oder anderen Ablagerungen in Berührung. Die kleinen, diskreten Öffnungen der Joyboxx dienen dabei der Belüftung.


        A surprisingly simple sex toy storage solution

        Inside you will find a set of instructions together with a combination code padlock. You can use this padlock to secure your Joyboxx to stop anyone snooping around. It will prevent them finding what you have locked away inside it.

        The Joyboxx also comes with a combination code padlockBeing able to lock the Joyboxx is a great selling point and the combination lock means you don't have to worry about losing a key or leaving it lying around. Just make sure that you remember your code.

        You slide the lock sideways and the padlock prevents anyone from being able to slide the lock to its open position.

        The lid features a handy storage pocket with a hinged lid, you can't lock this compartment though. It's great for storing USB charging cables and batteries though.

        Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/joyboxx-hygienic-sextoy-storage-system.html

        • 2$d müşterinin 1'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

        Joyboxx by Passionate Playground

        Y’all know that, when it comes to storing sex toys, I can sometimes get a bit of a bee in my bonnet. As consumers, we don’t want shitty plastic clam shell packaging that rips our fingers off, blunts our scissors, and leaves us with nowhere to store our sexy things. Sadly, we do still get those sometimes, but there is a product on the market that comes to the rescue: the Joyboxx.

        Measuring up at 13” in length, 4.75” in height and 6.75” in depth, the Joyboxx is modestly sized. And by modest I mean small. The outer packaging states that it fits in most bedside table drawers, but it doesn’t fit in mine. It does tuck nicely into the shelf in the bottom of the unit, though.

        You really couldn’t ask for a more discreet way of storing your bits and things. My Joyboxx is matte black inside and out, but you can get it in purple, depending where you shop. Also, you can customise your latch in some places too, if you fancy a pop of colour. There isn’t any branding on the outside of the box, so there’s no way of telling what’s inside unless you open it up to look.

        To prevent that from happening, the slider latch on the front is lockable. There’s a combination lock provided in every box to let you do just this. It’s a flimsy lock, though, and the Fella managed to get it off the box without guessing the combination I’d set. He did it in two seconds flat, without damaging the box or the lock. I’ve started using my own black heart shaped lock and not only is that more secure, it looks super cute too!

        Like I said above, the whole piece is made from plastic, and that plastic has an antimicrobial silver ion agent mixed into it. That prevents mould growth, and all of the ventilation points around the lid and the one in the back of the box help prevent mould growing on your toys, too.

        That hole in the back isn’t just for ventilation, either. It doubles up as a discreet way of charging up a rechargeable toy. Just pop the cable through the opening, plug in your toy and close the lid. That’s a small thing, I know, but it’s been a godsend for me. I have a little multi-usb charger and I managed to fit four toys that needed charging in the box no problem. If it hadn’t been for the Joyboxx I’d have had to explain to my mother what those toys were for. She didn’t see them, though, cos the lid was closed.

        As small as it is, I’m happy to say I can fit loads of stuff into my Joyboxx. In the pic below there’s a Satisfyer, two dildos, three bullets, two Tenga Eggs, two bottles of lube, butt plug and a strapless strap-on. There was plenty of room on top to get probably a classic vibe or two in, too.

        But that’s not the only storage option available here. Built into the lid is a small compartment that’s the perfect size for bullets, lubes, condoms. In the below pic you can spot a pair of weighted clamps, a bottle of lube, a bullet and a wee pot of sex butter.

        The lid that covers this compartment is pretty fragile where it connects to the box, but it’s a fab little nook to store small, lightweight things you might want to get your paws on quickly.

        Last but certainly not least is the Play Tray, or ‘coaster’. This is a little invention that’s equally brilliant and useless. When inside the Joyboxx it works as a partition via a ridge it slots onto. That’s a fab idea for keeping different materials separate, if you’re one for using stuff that could potentially melt together.

        When you take it out of the box it acts as a coaster. Pop your toy, lube or whatever on top before play. Pop your toy on top after play, then either take the whole thing to the bathroom for washing or stick it back in the box and leave it until you’re ready. Firstly, that keeps any gunk off the insides of your Joyboxx, keeping it clean. Secondly, once you’ve washed your toy, the holes that run the length of the Play Tray act as a drip tray, allowing water to drain away and not pool beneath your toy. Air drying is so much faster this way, and all because of a plastic tray!

        All that means you don’t even have to use your Joyboxx as a storage option. You can use it as a carrier box to keep all of your session toys in one place, or to carry them from room to room. You can shove everything back in there once you’re done and clean them at your leisure. Then the Joyboxx keeps them hidden away while they dry. It could have done with a handle, though.

        Something else that’s printed on the packaging is that the Joyboxx isn’t self-cleaning. I was surprised they’d have to point that out, to be honest, but they have. It’s easy enough to keep clean, with either standard washing, toy cleaners, or a cycle in the dishwasher.

        The Fella thinks that this box is one of the biggest wastes of money going, but I really like it. It’s useful. It keeps my cats off my stuff when it’s drying. Stops my kid from seeing stuff he shouldn’t if he wanders in to my room while something is charging. It’s put an end to getting lube/jizz stains in the Fella’s bedside drawers after we’re finished playing. You didn’t think I’d put dirty toys in my drawers, did you?

        If you’re after a product that gives you options before and after playtime, the Joyboxx could well be for you. You can even buy separate Play Trays if one isn’t enough for you. If you fancy getting one of your own, click the banner below.

        Read full review: http://www.scandarella.com/reviews/joyboxx-passionate-playground/

        • 2$d müşterinin 2'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

        I was incredibly impressed

        Sex toys are amazing but they can also be an absolute pain to store. I personally admit to having given up on this endeavor for the most part. Discretion isn’t a must in my household as, as a result, there are sex toys sprawled out everywhere: on my bedside table, in my office, I even use some as decoration, or less-boring furniture, but I digress.

        Despite my flippant approach to toy storage I do confess that it is good to have a safe, hygienic and discreet place to store away products. Whether you display your toys like me, or want to keep them as secret and safe as the one ring, a sturdy storage place is never an unappreciated asset. And if that storage space can double up as a washing system then all the better.

        Enter the Joyboxx.

        The Joyboxx is (to quote the company) ‘more than just a box: It’s a system’. The Joyboxx is specifically designed to house your most intimate items and, as such, it goes above and beyond the typical storage boxes available on the market. Meo were kind enough to provide me with one of these lovelies so that I could give it a test drive. So let’s explore this treasure trove together!

        The Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System

        The Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System is the result of ‘thinking inside the box’ in an unconventional way and was created by Passionate Playground. Creating a sex toy specific storage box might seem odd at first, but once you start thinking about what is currently available on the market it makes a lot more sense.

        The Joyboxx is simple but effective.

        While most of us have found makeshift ways to store our sex toys (or purchased other storage devices) these improvised storage solutions can be made out of wood, vinyl, fabric, metal or other types of plastic which may not necessarily be hygienic. Some could actually be porous and could cause a questionable outcome if slightly damp toys are stored in them. Others may react badly with the natural product material of your sex toy (though I should hope you are all using non-porous and body-safe products I know that this isn’t/can’t always be the case).
        Don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to scare you away from using conventional storage systems and materials, and neither does Joyboxx, but what Joyboxx does provide is a viable alternative that actively considers the specific storage needs of sex toys. To this end the Joyboxx has multiple features and design choices which are purpose-built for handling adult products.
        Smart, sexy storage.
        The material used for the Joyboxx provides just one example of this thoughtfulness. The Joyboxx is made out of food-grade, non-porous plastic which is PVC, BPA and Pthalate-free. Mixed into this plastic is an antimicrobial silver ion agent which assists in keeping toys clean and in creating a storage environment that is free from microbe growth (including bacteria, viruses, mold and fungus). I must stress: this doesn’t mean that the Joyboxx will lean your toys for you, nor that it’s self-cleaning, but it does provide a cleaner option than standard storage units. For those occasions where you do need to clean the Joyboxx it is dishwasher safe, or can simply be wiped or rinsed clean.
        The plastic material used for the Joyboxx feels sturdy and substantial but not overly bulky or cumbersome. The Joyboxx has been designed so that it will fit inside of most nightstands and drawers, and its exact measurements are 12.60 x 5.5 x 5.0 externally and 11.25 x 5.5 x. 3.5 internally. The Joyboxx has also been designed as a unisex item, so no one will suspect what it’s actually meant for. In fact I’d say it looks very similar to a lot of tool or arts & crafts storage boxes that you might find in your local DIY store.

        Ventilation holes has been strategically placed on the Joyboxx to allow for moisture to eacape without excess dust finding its way into the box and on to your toys. Having stored some rather dust-grabby toys in the Joyboxx myself, I can say that it does do a really good job at keeping toys dust free, which is a great feature of the toy. This contrasts quite a bit with the standard plastic drawers that I have, which always leave some of my toys with a mysterious layer of dust and hair. In addition to this the Joyboxx has an area where USB cables can be slotted out to allow for discreet charging. This USB hole is actually quite sizeable so it should be able to allow most charging units through (and maybe even multiple cables, depending on how chunky they are).
        Store away your smaller items in the top section.

        Keeping on the theme of discretion, the main compartment of the Joyboxx has a quiet, child-resistant sliding lock which allows users to easily slide and un-slide the Joyboxx shut. This lock also has a place for a padlock (provided with the Joyboxx) so that it can be securely fastened. In addition to this the Joyboxx actually has a compartment at the top of the box which doesn’t unlock and can be used to quickly store and retrieve items like condoms, cock rings or clit vibes. Alternatively Joyboxx suggest you put some everyday items (like receipts or nuts & bolts) in it to throw people off. This is a really good element of the box, but it does eat up some of the inner storage space. Having said that I usually don’t notice the loss.
        In addition to being a great storage device on its own the Joyboxx also comes with a divider which can be slotted in and out to organize the internal section. This divider isn’t just used for separating toys, though, and is actually one of Passionate Playground’s other products: The Playtray. Having the Playtray as an additional aspect of the Joyboxx is fantastic, and the Playtray provides a safe, clean space to place any toys that aren’t in use or to leave them out to safely dry. Personally I think this aspect of the Joyboxx alone makes it a worthy investment.

        Now, I have a lot of toys so it would be foolish to assume that the Joyboxx could meet all of my needs but it does make storing some of my toys a heck of a lot easier and much more convenient than some other methods. The antibacterial element of the Joyboxx and the ventilation is really useful and we’ve taken to using it as an ‘Upcoming testers’ box of sorts.

        That being said the Joyboxx does have one major flaw and that is its size. Yes, it’s convenient for easily slotting it away somewhere but it also means that most wands and larger dildos simply can’t fit in this box. My Lelo Wand just about fits (though not comfortably) but my Doxy has no chance. Because of this if Joyboxx were to expand their range I’d want it to be a literal expansion; a longer box (the ‘Wand Edition’) for all of us magical guys and girls out there.

        Other than that there really isn’t anything to say against the Joyboxx. Like a bundle of sex toys placed in this product, the Joyboxx has got it covered.

        • 2$d müşterinin 3'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

        Joyboxx - Toy Box

        Da ich keinerlei Erfahrungen mit anderen Toy-Boxen habe, kann ich leider keinen Vergleich ziehen.
        Was beim Auspacken der Joyboxx sofort auffiel, war die stabile und recht schöne Verarbeitung.
        An der Box klappert nichts, die Sicherungen funktionieren gut.
        Was ich ebenfalls toll und sinnvoll finde ist das mittgelieferte Einschubfach zur Reinigung der Toys.
        Der Deckel schliesst gut (dicht).
        Die Joyboxx ist eine schöne, gut verarbeitete Toy-Box, dich ich jedem ans Herz legen kann.

        • 2$d müşterinin 2'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

        Well done!

        I just received this great product. Finally a well designed place to keep my favorite toys. I love all of the thought that has gone into this. The removable tray, the charging cord outlet, the childproof latch. Well done!

        I keep my Ass Anchor, EZ2FUCK, Dildo and Anal Stretching Ring in this case and it works great.

        I have looked at other playchests and storage cases and this one is way better.

        • 2$d müşterinin 3'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

        Fantastic product! Fast Shipping!

        First let's start with the box itself....high quality construction with an aesthetically appealing design. Stores a good deal of toys, and has a great feature with the tray inside. After using the toys, the tray was a nice additional as a clean place to set toys prior to washing. Used it during cleanup and after for drying as well. Easy slide latch and easy to read lock (no fumbling with small hard to read numbers). Excited to get more toys to fill up this bad boy! Love it!.... oh and shipping from MEO was super fast and order arrived in perfect condition!

        • 2$d müşterinin 3'si bu yorumu yararlı buldu.

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        Joyboxx - Seks oyuncaklarının saklanması için

        Joyboxx - Seks oyuncaklarının saklanması için

        Oyuncaklarınızı gizli, güvenli ve hijyenik bir şekilde nerede saklayacağınızı sık sık merak ettiniz mi? Joyboxx size mükemmel bir çözüm sunuyor ve aynı zamanda sizi çocukların gözlerinden koruyor. Set, pratik bir saklama kutusu ve yeni temizlenmiş oyuncaklarınız için kullanabileceğiniz bir kurutma tepsisinden oluşur.

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