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La formula di Extremeo è stata specificamente studiata per L'uso anale. E'un prodotto cosmetico anale eccezionale con pantenolo un igrediente di qualità superiore e aloe vera per un intenso uso anale anche con Sex Toys. L'ingrediente attivo rende la pelle ed i tessuti significativamente più elastici. La presenza di pantenolo,inoltre, conferisce allo spray Extremeo un' effetto rilassante, senza l'utilizzo di lidocaina e benzocaina. Ideale per soddisfare le esigenze di chi e'assiduo nei rapporti anali, Extremeo avra' un effetto fortemente lenitivo.
This stuff is excellent! Unlike loads of other lubes, this one stays slippery... Just how we like it! And when it does eventually dry out it's like it wasn't there in the first place. Not sticky or tacky.. Just perfect!
It is very good to have this. However, no list of diameters in mm available, so what should I do now ? buy each of them to try, which one fits mine anal toy ? and still no answers from Meo customer service...
Je le conseille pour celles qui pourrait avoir des difficultés lors d'une sodomie: ce gel lubrifie parfaitement et permet une pénétration sans douleur.
This is a fantastic product for permanent anal stretching.
This is a fantastic product for permanent anal stretching. High quality metal (warm it up first!) and smooth for easy insertion. I have now managed to take the XL after a few hours prep and the results are amazing. The large hole through the middle prevents build up which normaly forces you to remove a plug so you can wear it for hours on end and the "open" fealing of the anus is a real turn on. The results of wearing such a large plug all day or all night for days on end are amazing. It has left my anal muscles permanently stretched to the size of the plug and seriously floppy! I will continue to wear this wonderful device to make sure I can never close again. If you want to have a permanently ruined and floppy hole, this is the perfect trainer. Buy it now!
It has been a while. I’ve been pretty busy with this lube. Yes you read that right. This stuff is amazing and it changed my perception about lubes 180 degrees. Good news is that I don’t think it’ll be running out anytime soon since I’m using it one drop at a time. Maybe two if I feel more generous. Honestly this is such a good product that I don’t simply want to waste any. I’ve always hated lubes since some just are messy, some are sticky, some freakin melt and drip and that stuff won’t come out of any bedding and it looks like melted butter stain. Some get absorbed into skin way too fast so you have use entire freakin bottle at one go, some won’t get absorbed at all and even after night you’re still ready to sit and slide across the room. They do make them sticky on purpose since some people like it that way, but most like it to be as invisible aid. In my opinion good lube has to get absorbed at some point, not too soon tho and Aquameo just has perfect balance of everything.
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I bought the XL, its great! I need a bigger one tho. The inner diameter is too small for the prolapse to hang out of it. And the external diameter is also too small, the whole plug goes inside. Even the base.
Skip the xxl and go straight to xxxl please. Wishing for 10cm smallest external diameter
Um viel Spaß zu haben, sollte man immer auf die Basics achten. Und zu diesen zählen Sauberkeit und Sicherheit! Dieser Reiniger bietet beides – er eignet sich hervorragend um Toys zu reinigen (aufsprühen, abwischen, fertig – einfacher geht es eigentlich nicht) und wirkt zugleich desinfizierend. Im Normalfall spüle ich die Toys unter Wasser, bevor ich sie desinfiziere, wenn es jedoch mal schnell gehen muss, ist dieser Reiniger eine super Alternative. Ich persönlich habe nichts gegen den Geruch von Desinfektionsmittel (ganz im Gegenteil), jedoch darf man hier vermerken, dass dieser Cleaner ganz und gar nicht so riecht (was für den einen oder anderen sicherlich angenehm sein wird). Die Pumpflasche ist sehr praktisch und auch die Größe ist für den Preis absolut fair. Wenn die Flasche irgendwann leer ist, wird in jedem Fall direkt eine neue bestellt.
Cherchant un moyen de m'ôter les poils disgracieux à l'entrejambe j'ai testé cette formule. Je n'ai pas été déçu, aucune réaction même au niveau du sillon fessier. Très pratique car pas besoin de raser et de se tordre dans tout le sens surtout pour ces parties peu pratique à atteindre. Pensez quand même à tondre et ne laisser que quelques millimètre de poils avant d'appliquer le produit, il n'en sera que plus efficace. Pour ce qui est de l'épilation "durable" j'émet un doute, je l'ai utilisé hier soir autour de mes parties intime et aujourd'hui je sens déjà la rugosité des poils qui repousse, je verrai sur le long terme.