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Das für mich beste Gleitgel auf dem Markt. Super Eigenschaften in jeder Hinsicht. Klebt nicht und fühlt sich gut auf der Haut an. Sehr ergiebig und haltbar.
This is an awesome product.My wife never let me fuck her in her ass.But with this she love anal sex.Now if I don't fuck her ass she is mad with me I recommend.She loved!!!
Klasse Spielwiese – egal ob auf dem Bett oder auf dem Boden. Perfekt auch für alle Latexspiele (keine Silikonflecken hinterher) und wandert bei uns auf "kalt" in die Waschmaschine. Damit auch in der Pflege sehr entspannt. Gutes Basic, zu einem guten Preis.
J-Lube stammt aus der Veterinärmedizin und ist einfach nur super! Es ist ein weißes Pulver zur Herstellung eines sehr gleitfähigen Gleitmittels auf Wasserbasis, kompatibel mit Gummi und Latexkondomen, geruchs- und geschmacksneutral.
Es kann einfach mit Wasser oder einer anderen Flüssigkeit gemischt werden. Damit es sich vollständig und klumpenfrei auflöst, empfehlen wir die Verwendung eines Mixers oder Shakers. Durch die Pulverform kannst du experimentieren, bis du die richtige Mischung gefunden hast. Der Inhalt reicht für ca. 22 bis 30 Liter Gleitmittel. Wir empfehlen, dass Du es am Anfang zu dick anrührst und nach und nach mit Flüssigkeit verdünnst, bis Du die richtige Konsistenz erreichst - sonst hast Du am Ende literweise Gleitmittel um Dich herum stehen, das Du wahrscheinlich gar nicht brauchst. Am besten rührst Du J-Lube immer frisch an oder bewahrst es maximal drei Tage im Kühlschrank auf. Es lässt sich auch gut in Flaschen abfüllen und portionsweise einfrieren.
Du kannst das angerührte J-Lube zum Beispiel in eine Analdusche füllen, dann Hände und Arme damit einreiben und los geht's! Alternativ kannst Du das Pulver mit Wasser aus einer Sprühflasche direkt auf die Haut auftragen.
Wenn Du glitschige Spiele magst, wirst Du J-Lube lieben. Je nach Konsistenz zieht es bei jeder Berührung Fäden. J-Lube kann überall verwendet werden, sogar in Jacken oder Hosen, und lässt sich rückstandslos entfernen.
Es ist absolut geschmacks- und geruchsneutral. Extrem ergiebig und sehr, sehr lange anhaltend. Also ein kleines wenig genügt für langen Spaß mit dem Partner oder mit Spielzeugen. Es eignet sich auch gut für Massagen.
This is the answer if anal is uncomfortable. For me, it makes the difference between not doing it and actually enjoying it. I highly recommend this product.
Le meilleur lubrifiant que j'ai jamais utilisé, pas d'odeur gênante, ne colle pas. C'est vraiment une grande satisfaction pour le plaisir anal. Je le recommande fortement.
In terms of product names MEO’s ManCunt is by far the most shocking name for a lube I’ve come across. Man Cunt is a slang term for a man’s arse so I’m guessing before I’ve even checked the blurb on the bottle this is probably an anal lube. This isn’t surprising considering MEO are a male orientated supplier. German mail order specialists MEO have a huge labyrinth like website stocking just about every item of fetish wear and sex accessory you could ever need. Although MEO is aimed at men there are plenty of gorgeous items to please every gender.
What is ManCunt?
Despite being based in Europe MEO’s delivery times are always super-fast and the packaging is extremely discreet. Inside the parcel was the familiar black bottle style that most MEO lubes have. ManCunt Hybrid Lube comes in a hefty 125ml pump bottle. I like the pump dispenser and it seems a much less messy way of distributing lube. With the word ManCunt emblazoned down the side of the bottle you probably won’t want to leave this lube out for public viewing. However, I quite enjoy the graphic nature of the product and it makes it somehow more erotic.
Squirting some MEO ManCunt hybrid into my hand I could see it was a thick white, lube. At first the dollop sat up on my skin but with the heat of my body it slowly began to melt down into a small puddle. ManCunt is mainly tasteless and odourless, although there was a very slight chemical smell to it, almost like a hand cream. The white colouration of ManCunt makes it look very realistic, almost like cum. The texture is very similar being thick and slippery between my fingers. It’s a good likeness.
ManCunt is oil and fat free, contains no parabens and isn’t tested on animals. Safe for use with condoms, ManCunt is great for both anal and vaginal sex.
ManCunt is a hybrid lube, meaning it’s a mix of silicone and water. This means to some degree you get the best of both worlds. The silicone in ManCunt creates a beautiful smooth texture, it’s slippery and feels sexy just rubbing it between my fingers. The water base allows ManCunt to be washed off easily and means it shouldn’t stain your clothing or bedding.
One obvious downside with ManCunt is the silicone in the hybrid formulation makes it incompatible with some silicone toys, so bear this in mind if you’re playing solo or using it for inserting plugs. However, if you’re using glass or metal toys this will be a brilliant lube.
Using ManCunt
So, what’s ManCunt like in use? One of my favourite things about ManCunt Hybrid is how thick it is. When you’re applying it you can feel the silicone in the velvety texture, it glides over skin making it great to apply during foreplay. Applying it to myself was super easy, its very directional where it holds its form for a few seconds, enabling you to get it where you need it.
ManCunt may be designed for anal sex however it is equally brilliant for PIV sex. The natural look creates almost a “cream pie” effect when used vaginally that’s incredibly sexy. On penetration, the silicone within the hybrid formula creates silky glide and removes all friction from even the most vigorous play. It feels very real during use, almost mimicking my own wetness on arousal.
ManCunt is very long lasting, it doesn’t evaporate thanks to the silicone and will stay put, working right the way through play time. ManCunt differs from pure silicone lubes, it leaves no sticky residue after use, you can literally wipe it away and wouldn’t know you’d used it. The Hybrid formula really is a clever twist to a classic lube.
When used anally ManCunt is very soothing, the silicone reduces pain and increases pleasure. Once again it didn’t need reapplying and stayed working right the way through the session. ManCunt is great for assisting insertion of anal plugs and toys. The texture of ManCunt improves the anal experience allowing anal penetration to be as smooth and enjoyable as vaginal sex.
In Summary
I felt no irritation after using ManCunt, there was no nasty after effects for either of us and I also found it removed the burning sensation I can sometimes feel after hard anal. MEO state on their website that ManCunt Hybrid wins recognition with porn producers excited both by performance and its cum-look, I can believe this as it’s one of my favourite things about ManCunt. It’s sexy as hell, the luxurious texture is not only erotic during play but it leaves your skin feeling soft after use.
MEO sell ManCunt hybrid for £15.19 which may sound quite a lot of money but it’s a whopping 125ml bottle and that handy pump dispenser makes it very easy to control the amount used. A little ManCunt goes miles and there is absolutely no chance of spillage and minimal waste. 125ml will last a long time and given the quality of the hybrid blend I think £15 is a fair price. Silicone lubes are often more expensive than water based as silicone isn’t a cheap ingredient.
This is yet another MEO lube I’ve really enjoyed using. The sexy velvety texture is perfect for almost any sexy encounter apart from use with silicone toys ManCunt is a great all-rounder. I’d definitely keep ManCunt in my bedside drawer. I rate ManCunt Hybrid Lube a 9/10 it’s a perfect accompaniment to any type of sex.
You can buy ManCunt and other awesome lubes at MEO for £15.19 this is a must have for all anal fans.
MEO sent me ManCunt free of charge and in exchange for an honest and impartial review. Thank you to MEO.