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It felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
I received my penis plug yesterday, and was so excited. My partner has more experience with sounds and urethral play, so I asked him to insert my plug. He applied the included lube to the plug and 3/4 of the way in found some resistance, but after 5 tries he slowly worked me up to pushing it a little further and the silicone plug popped into place - it felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
Mein neues Lieblingsspielzeug zur Estim ,,,, benutze ihn fast täglich ,,,, Beim Analsex schiebe ich ihn nur ein Stückchen rein. Unbeschreiblich geil die elektrische Stimulation. Kurz vorm Orgasmus drücke ich den buttplug ganz tief rein ,,, so stark "komme" ich sonst nie.
Impulsi elettrici che favoriscono le contrazioni dell'orgasmo
E- Stim è un nuovissimo vibratore in Silicone Sanitario, ricaricabile con batterie al litio, waterproof, che regola oltre che l'intensità della vibrazione anche l'intensità della stimolazione elettrica con un doppio e indipendente comando. Gli impulsi elettrici inducono contrazioni da orgasmo. Una nuova frontiera del sesso è appena stata varcata. Misura 25 cm con un diametro di 3,5 cm.
The act went fabulously, so much so that I actually came while fucking him! What I loved was how in control I felt, how sexy I knew I looked, and when I wanted to, how intimate I could make the situation. I was turning myself on!