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As both husband and I love bondage we always try to buy things we would both like to use and this is one of them. We have many gags but this is the first inflatable one. My husband was the first to try it out when I had him strapped in a hog-tie with an arse lock in place and as I was about to start playing with a pin wheel on his cock and balls he begged to be gagged. I was only to glad to do so and used this on him, strapped really tight around his head. As i inflated the gag his cries finally stopped altogether but he still could breathe, just!. After I had finished tormenting him and released him he said he loved the gag and there was no after-taste which you often get. The following day it was my turn and I was tied to a pole with my legs apart and my hands above my head. as my mouth is smaller than his it totally filled my mouth and I had breathing problems so we had to deflate it a bit. but otherwise it is great and If Iam using it we just have to be careful!
Happy with our purchase, seems to be of good quality, works as it should. We use it for sex play, 'nuff said. It arrived days ahead of schedule, we received notice it was shipped the same day we ordered, very responsive seller. We would order again from them.
Just received this today. Very happy with it so far. I was worried it would be too large as I am just beginning to stretch my ass but it seems to be just the right size.
Die Augenmaske hält, was sie verspricht. Sie war für meinen Sub, der nicht alles sehen soll, was ich mit ihm vorhabe (zum Beispiel Spiele mit Kerzenwachs). Die Maske ist Licht-dicht und sitzt bequem. Anfänglich war das Band etwas stramm (bei sehr großem Kopfumfang. Die Augenmaske ist preiswert, hat eine gute Qualität und ist empfehlenswert.
Schönes, schweres, weiches Leder, welches mit der Zeit anschmiegsamer wird, färbt nicht, ist angenehm auf der Haut und hält was aus. Die Verabeitung gewäht ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit. Seit über vier Jahren bei mir im regelmäßigem Gebrauch und werden aller Voraussicht nach noch lange ihren Zweck erfüllen. Die Anschaffung hat sich definitv gelohnt. Die Handhängefesseln von MEO sind sehr mpfehlenswert.
Un'esperienza rivoluzionaria per l'anal stretching!
Ho provato l'Ass Grommet e sono rimasto stupefatto. Il silicone robusto ma vellutato è perfetto per un'inserimento semplice e confortevole. Anche se ero un principiante nell'anal stretching, questo prodotto mi ha fatto sentire a mio agio e sicuro. La sensazione di essere così esposto è incredibile, e i risultati visibili dopo poco tempo sono sorprendenti.
Just use another small lock and then use this product to lock up the small key in a metal box. You can even have a backup small key somewhere else that is inconvenient, embarrassing, messy, etc, to get to. For safety, maybe choose a place that's quick but messy. Ideas? For some uses, a sealed envelope. Another idea, your lover knows where an extra key is, but won't tell you until you perform a task. Or you can wait--your choice. Ideas? J
Eigentlich ist das Teil ganz gut. Leider ist der Schlauch zum Aufpumpen etwas kurz geraten und Schlauch ist am Balg nicht richtig befestigt, so dass er bei der kleinsten Zugbelastung wenn man danach greifen will, abgeht. Musste den Schlauch mit einem Kabelbinder zusätzlich festmachen.
Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable.
During my first and only bondage session, I was made to wear one of these and I instantly loved it, so I had to buy one for myself. It is a fantastic hood. Quite snug but this is a good thing, and it is very comfortable. Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable. Very happy with it!
Le bende in circolazione non mi avevano mai convinto. Questa è una maschera in pelle, dalla lavorazione impeccabile che solo il profumo (di pelle) basta a fartelo venire duro. Che copre perfettamente gli occhi grazie al cinghietto l’avevo menzionato? La adoro. Lorenzo