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Great service, Very nice quality and Wow, Great feeling
I used a little lube going in and I am Happy! Very nicely made and fun to insert. No garden sprinkler here or blood issues here as it is a nice fit and very comfortable for me to wear for multiple days. Very please with this and so much pleasure!
Mein erstes Produkt in dieser Richtung und bis heute mein Liebling von MEO. Sorgt für eine Pralle Erektion und der Orgasmus damit ist einfach gigantisch!
tief eingeführt und Hoden und Penis fest umschlungen. Das sorgt für ein langanhaltend hartes und pralles Glied. Die Kugel bewegt sich etwas bei Körperbewegungen - irres Gefühl! Es hindert nicht bei Bewegungen und ist bestens 24/7 geeignet! Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Schneller Versand, tolle Qualität, guter Preis - und das hat Prinzenzepter hat für mich sowohl in der Länge als auch im Durchmesser die perfekten Maße.
Heute mein Päckchen mit den Cockringen und dem Eichelring bekommen. Den Eichelring sofort angelegt, dacht erst, er sei zu eng, da mein Penis schon leicht erigiert war. Im schlaffen Zustand ging er super drüber. Trag ihn nun schon Stunden, geil. Warum nicht schon früher? :-)
I love the feeling of it, I always get hard when I put it on and feels great when I am stroking. The only down side to me is when I cum with it on. It feels great but a lot of pressure since it is almost like a cum stopper on me being it squeezes just below the head so much that my cum just dribbles out, but if I can pull it off in time I shoot everywhere. Love the feeling can wear it all the time.
As both husband and I love bondage we always try to buy things we would both like to use and this is one of them. We have many gags but this is the first inflatable one. My husband was the first to try it out when I had him strapped in a hog-tie with an arse lock in place and as I was about to start playing with a pin wheel on his cock and balls he begged to be gagged. I was only to glad to do so and used this on him, strapped really tight around his head. As i inflated the gag his cries finally stopped altogether but he still could breathe, just!. After I had finished tormenting him and released him he said he loved the gag and there was no after-taste which you often get. The following day it was my turn and I was tied to a pole with my legs apart and my hands above my head. as my mouth is smaller than his it totally filled my mouth and I had breathing problems so we had to deflate it a bit. but otherwise it is great and If Iam using it we just have to be careful!