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Endlich kann ich es genießen und mich richtig beim Analsex gehen lassen. Vorher war ich immer schmerzhaft verkrampft, aber dieses kleine Zauberfläschchen hat mir so sehr geholfen, daß ich mich jetzt voll der Lust hingeben kann. Ich bin wirklich sehr dankbar für dieses Produkt und kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
J-Lube: uno dei migliori lubrificanti intimi in polvere
Inoltre, questo gel per la lubrificazione è compatibile con tutti i preservativi. J-Lube non irrita la pelle e le mucose intime, ma è una buona scelta per chi ama i giochi sessuali intensi come il fisting o grandi dildo. Jorgensen Laboratories offre qui un gel di alta qualità (sì, la consistenza è davvero “jelly”!) per il piacere anale con grandi oggetti e fisting. Ecco un lubrificante in grado di soddisfarti per ore grazie ad un effetto scivoloso e ad una consistenza setosa. J-Lube è un gel lubrificante originale: un’opportunità per provare altre sensazioni mentre ti prendi cura della tua salute!
Je suis un reviewer gay bottom-toys sur tumblr , et ce produit je l'aime beaucoup car, j'ai souvent des partenaires endurant, et il est desagreable de leur demander de s'arreter pour remettre du gel , etc... l'avantage c'est que celui ci tient longtemps et n'est pas collant, je l'aime beaucoup il est tres pratique
Ce gel lubrifiant me semble le plus abouti de la gamme. Il rempli très bien son rôle. La texture est un peu trop liquide mais cela facilite son application. Les effets attendus arrivent très vite. Localement anesthésiant il permet aux muqueuses de se détendre et d'entreprendre les jeux les plus coquins. Un produit essentiel.
Ce produit est tout a fait ce que je rechercher ..une bonne texture agréable au toucher et facilite vraiment la pénétration anal sans douleur et sans complexe je vous le recommande il ma donner entière satisfaction ;)
It's great for making dildos smell like the real thing
The taste has nothing to do with real cum, but it's sweet and pleasant. As a lube it's also great! It stays slippery for a long time - it's perfect for anal play. For me, this stuff took anal play with my big dildos to a whole different level. In fact, this might just be the best lubricant I've ever had!
That is possibly THE most offensive name for a lubricant ever. I don’t even know what a MANCUNT is, but the lubricant variety is quite a delight in use.
Being a hybrid lube (a blend of water and silicone) this product has a lot to offer. It’s super thick, white and silky, and feels lovely when used during partner penetration. The pump activated bottle says it looks and feels like cum, but I can’t say I agree. Well, my hubby’s cum doesn’t look like that anyway. I hope there’s nothing wrong with him, lol.
I’ve successfully used it with silicone toys with no ill effects, and I find it really enhances fingers only masturbation for me. My hubby really likes it for masturbation too, as it remains wet and slippery for ages so doesn’t need reapplying, but unlike the silicone only lubes, it doesn’t cling stubbornly to his cock when it’s time to wash it off.